二手 AG ASSOCIATES Heatpulse 8108 #9146304 待售


ID: 9146304
晶圓大小: 5"-8"
Rapid thermal processor annealing systems, 5"-8" Includes: Process chamber: Two high-intensity tungsten halogen lamp arrays STD Bus for real-time operation Quartz isolation tube Robot / Robot controller Gas control electronics ULPA Filtration system Graphic user interface (GUI) computer system Electronics Mass-flow-controlled gas handling Cooling ULPA Filtration Mechanical assemblies Applications: Silicon dielectric growth Implant annealing Glass re-flow Silicide formation and annealing Nitridation of metals Contact alloying Oxygen donor annihilation Wafer handling: Automatic serial processing Standard cassettes Throughput: Process dependent Ramp-up rate: Programmable Range: 1 – 180°C Per second Steady-state duration: 1 – 600 Seconds per step Ramp-down rate: Programmable Temperature Radiation dependent Range: 1 – 180°C Per second Maximum: 150°C per second Steady-state temperature range: 400 – 1200°C ERP Temperature accuracy: +3°C to -7°C Calibrated against an instrumented thermocouple wafer (ITC) Temperature repeatability: + 3°C Temperature uniformity: + 5°C Includes: Manuals.
AG ASSOCIATES Heatpulse 8108是一款快速熱處理器,專為高效、精確的熱處理而設計。適用於廣泛的熱應用,包括半導體基板、薄膜、光電子、MEMS器件的快速熱處理。8108是一款功能齊全的快速散熱處理器,提供50°C至1200°C的溫度範圍和± 50°C的樣品溫度均勻性,以及30秒至6分鐘的快速熱循環時間。8108配備了AG ASSOCIATES IPM-6000熱處理器控制系統,為多種基板類型和尺寸提供精確的溫度控制和支持。該IPM-6000提供了一個直觀的用戶界面和可編程的熱量配置文件,使用戶能夠快速輕松地創建自定義熱量過程。它還配備了一系列可選配件,包括加熱元件溫度監測器、短程紅外傳感器、高溫高溫計和熱像儀模塊。8108帶有金屬鹵化物照明系統,允許實時監控過程。還包括一個重型、耐腐蝕的不銹鋼室,防止氧化和樣品的潛在汙染。該室還設有設計用於優化熱均勻性的開槽架子。8108旨在滿足各種熱處理需求,提供快速、高效、準確的熱處理。是半導體研究、薄膜沈積、MEMS器件制造、電子封裝等應用的理想選擇。AG ASSOCIATES HEAT PULSE 8108具有先進的功能和用戶友好的設計,是各種熱處理應用的理想工具。