二手 CAMBRIDGE S 200 #9034861 待售


S 200
ID: 9034861
SEM Windows 7 upgrade Scanning system DISS 5 standard edition/communication USB 2.0 Hardware: X-/Y-scan, 2 analog signal inputs without counter inputs Software: without mapping and enlarged point measurement/line scan 19" rack (containing the electronics), 10 HU without housing, without desk Backplane and power logic with interlock system Central USB 2.0 interface for control and communication Plug-in card with 8 bipolar current sources (Beam alignment, image shift, stigmator) Plug-in card with X-/Y-scanning power amplifier / current sources (Magnification coarse/fine, scan rotation, tilt correction X/Y filament image) Plug-in card for objective and 2 condensor lenses / power current sources (focus coarse, fine, spot size) Plug-in card with 8 analog unipolar/bipolar control outputs /voltage (gun: HV, filament emission, SE: contrast, brightness, grid; aux: contrast brightness) 2.9. Power supplies for electronics, lenses and coils SE-amplifier module (Amplifier with offset; adjustable 1,5 kV for PMT, power supply SE-preamp SE-high voltage module (10-12 kV scintillator-high voltage and adjustable grid voltage Control module for gun-high voltage of SEM (Control of HV, filament, emission, emission current measurement, optional: power supply) Adaption of the vacuum and HV interlock of the SEM to the interlock-system of the SEM-upgrade (Vacuum-gun-HV-interlock; Stage SE-HV-interlock) 19" rack fitting in the SEM housing Schottky Thermal Field Emission (TFE) source Point-to-point Resolution of <3nm* High Beam Current. (10pA to >100na) Improved low voltage (1kV) performance TFE “Schottky” Source PC controlled. Reduced Downtime and Cost of Ownership Fully reversible AND transferable upgrade Kit for variety of Tungsten (W) SEM models including JEOL, Hitachi, FEI, Zeiss and others. External and internal magnetic shielding 30 KeV Schottky Field Emission Source Mechanical Assembly: x1 Thick walled stainless steel chamber One Schottky Field Emission Gun Unit Differential pumping tube and UHV valve Internal mu-metal shield 55 I/s ion pump and power supply (optional) External mu-metal shield YPS High Voltage Power Supply: Remote high voltage supply unit with: Fibre optic link High voltage cable with Discharge Management YPS Schottky Field Emission Gun Unit: Pre-aligned™ YPS Schottky field emission module (HV-30) YPS Software Interface: USB interfaced fibre optic output to the remote YPS HV power supply Software from the system PC to controland monitor the Schottky field emission module.
CAMBRIDGE S 200是一種掃描電子顯微鏡(SEM),用於微小物體的成像和分析。它能夠產生分辨率低至1納米的難以置信的高分辨率圖像。CAMBRIDGE S-200的主要部件包括電子源、加速柱、法拉第籠、偏轉器、掃描發生器、高壓電源和數字圖像檢測器。電子源是發射電子的細絲,然後沿著加速柱向下傳播。之後,電子通過偏轉器,使光束偏轉到樣品區域。掃描發生器在樣品區域產生偏轉的光束,從而可以創建樣品表面的光柵圖像。這些掃描完成後,將向圖像檢測器發送信號,將光信號轉換為電信號並將其發送到顯示屏。S 200具有許多功能,使其成為需要高分辨率成像和分析的應用程序的理想選擇。其超高真空系統允許在極低壓力下操作,確保樣品不被電子束損壞。此外,它的能量濾波器有助於減少光束的變寬和產生更高分辨率的圖像.它還有一個集成的圖像增強系統,有助於降低噪聲和增強對比度。S-200具有先進的標本級,允許標本導航和定位自動化。這樣就可以在沒有用戶交互的情況下對樣本進行成像。該級還具有可變加速度電壓、樣品傾斜和樣品旋轉等一系列特征,使其幾乎適合任何成像或分析任務。CAMBRIDGE S 200具有直觀的用戶界面,可方便地導航、操作和控制顯微鏡。它還有一個先進的軟件系統,提供實時跟蹤、自動化和對樣本圖像的定量分析。這使得CAMBRIDGE S-200適合於納米級金相、材料分析、失效分析、晶粒尺寸測量等多種應用。總體而言,S 200是一種先進的掃描電子顯微鏡,能夠產生極高分辨率的圖像。它的高級功能允許自動標本定位、直觀操作和定量分析,使其成為各種應用的理想選擇。