二手 VEECO Gen II #9107591 待售

Gen II
ID: 9107591
MBE System Chamber with (8) source flange size, 2.75” MBE Components: RHEED System Sample manipulator with flux monitor QMS Head Glove box Pumps: Cryo pump Lon pump Turbo pump (2) Ion pumps: Main chamber (600 l/m) Buffer chamber (150 l/m) with (2) power supplies (2) Ti-Sublimation pumps With power supplies in the base of the main chamber Manipulator, 2" With servo motors for rotation Position setting Control unit Heater power supply Thermo-couple controller Beam flux Monitor and controller (2) Ion gauges: With (2) power supplies and controllers Main chamber Load lock Load lock for 6 wafers With heater for pre bake out with its power supply Temperature controller Electrical distribution panel Bake out panels with electrical connections Eight shutters with their control units Utility distribution box for water, air, N2 QMS, Power supply & display unit Operating system and computer (6) Sample holders Baffles head for main chamber turbo pump Gaskets silver coated copper gaskets Mixing manifold With (2) leak valves and tubing for gas interceptor Sulfur automatic valved cracker with: (2) Temperature zones 100 CC Quartz crucible (2) Power supplies (2) Temperature controllers Servo motor and controller and cable Oxygen plasma source with: RF Power supply Matching unit Leak valve Water flow meter and filter High temperature effusion cell with: Temperature zone up to: 2000°C 10 CC Crucible Power supply & temperature controller Low temperature effusion cell with: (2) Temperature zones (Base and tip) 25 CC PBN Crucible (2) Power supplies (2) Temperature controllers Gas injector with: Single heater Power supply Temperature controller and display Mixed manifold with two leak valves and tubing Options: QCM Integrated With machine for film thickness monitor RHEED System With 6" phosphorous screen and detector and camera E-beam gun with power supply and control unit.
VARIAN/VEECO GEN II分子束外延(MBE)設備是一種高度先進的多用戶沈積系統,用於摻雜和沈積各種半導體材料。這種最先進的MBE裝置能夠精確控制沈積環境,從而實現高質量的層,具有極好的可重復性。這臺機器允許沈積高質量、均勻的半導體材料層,如砷化氙和砷化氘。沈積過程在真空室中進行,在真空室中,要沈積的基板放在加熱的支架上。凱撒制造的三種噴射細胞與工具一起使用;一個砷、一個移植物,以及一個移植物。這三個單元的組合使用戶可以靈活地創建復雜和特殊的薄膜結構。MBE資產的底壓維持在4-6 x 10-7 mbar,並采用單獨的負載鎖定模型進一步降低壓力,然後再插入真空室。此外,該設備還包含一個熱氧化裝置、一個臭氧發生器和兩條氮管線,以協助表面制備和生長增強。基板支架采用電加熱,用一系列熱電偶控制溫度,允許樣品所有區域溫度均勻,從而為薄膜沈積提供精確控制。預置溫度在200 K至1,000 K之間。此外,VEECO GEN II設備配備了最先進的軟件包,為控制源排放和沈積過程提供了多種有用的功能。該軟件包括一套用於模擬增長過程、定義層結構和執行各種參數計算的綜合工具。使用強大的參數化優化功能,用戶還可以開發其薄膜結構的詳細模擬,使他們能夠最大限度地提高樣品的性能。它還允許用戶創建圖形用戶界面,以便為他們提供設置和監控實驗的便捷方式。VARIAN GEN II MBE系統的設計滿足了廣泛的科學和工業要求,使用戶能夠將其研究應用提升到一個新的水平。這個先進的單元能夠產生高質量的結果,並提供了靈活分配不同的材料,原子按原子,以便創建復雜的薄膜結構。