二手 VEECO Gen II #9173265 待售

Gen II
ID: 9173265
MBE Growth system Chamber with (8) source flange size 4.5” Sources: Al, Ga, In, Be, Si, GaTe, As, Sb (2) Ion pumps: Main chamber (600 l/m) Preparation chamber (400 l/m) with (2) power supplies CTI8 Cryo pump for main chamber 6” Turbo pump with dry pump for load lock (2) Ti-Sublimation pumps With power supplies in base of main chamber Sample manipulator with servo motors for rotation, 2" or 3" Position setting Control unit Beam flux monitor Controller Sample manipulator heater with power supply Temperature controller and display (3) Ion gauges: With (3) power supplies and controllers Main chamber Preparation chamber Load lock Load lock for 4-10 wafers With heater for pre-bake out at 150°C, power supply included Temperature controller Preparation chamber With heater for bake out at 400°C, power supply included Temperature controller Electrical distribution panel Bake out panels with electrical connections (8) Shutters with their control units Utility distribution box for water, air, N2 QMS and RHEED with power supplies Operating system and computer (Latest version of Moly, or AMBER, or EPIMAX) 4-6 Sample holders Silver coated copper gaskets Pyrometer RHEED Camera and analysis software Turn key project Effusion cell: Flange, 4.5" Dual or single heater up to 1350 C 85-155 CC PBN crucible Power supply Temperature controller.
VARIAN/VEECO GEN II是一種分子束外延(MBE)設備,可用於生長包括III-V多型、氧化物、氮化物、石墨烯和稀土元素在內的多種材料。該系統由兩個主要組成部分組成,包括一個兩室MBE單元以及對工具和儀器的全面補充。兩室MBE機由蒸發室和生長室組成。蒸發室有六個Knudsen細胞源,允許材料類型的變化。生長室是一個高度可定制的浴管為基礎的腔室,旨在最大限度地實現外延生長。該工具配備了大量的子系統,所有這些子系統都旨在優化材料質量,包括溫度控制、基板加熱和六軸原位監測。控制資產允許自動化的增長過程以及遠程控制。此外,該模型還配備了一系列可選參數,包括源幾何形狀的定制、狹縫刀片和柵格、樣品吞吐量和腔室壓力控制,以及預對準和後對準功能,以提高材料質量和準確性。最後,設備配備了多種不同的支撐系統,包括脫氣集群、遠程電子槍、激光系統以及允許用戶繪制出電位的控制器組合,以進一步優化材料質量和增長速度。總而言之,VEECO GEN II是一個強大的單元,能夠種植各種材料。其眾多的輔助系統和參數,以及自動控制,允許對材料生長進行精確操作,以產生一致的高質量材料,然後可用於各種應用。