二手 HITACHI S-9200SA #165834 待售

ID: 165834
晶圓大小: 6"-8"
優質的: 2000
CD SEM system, 8" Workstation: Model : B2600 O/S :HPUX Software Version : 18.35ev15 IP Read : 5.4~16.1pA(Low mode) CD measurement principle: Cursor and line profile measurement CD measurement range: 0.1 to 2.0 um Secondary electron image resolution: 3nm Image magnification: SEM image; 500 x 300,000 Optical microscope image; about x110 Specimen stage: Movement range X and Y: 0-200mm Stage drive: Pulse motor Control and speed: max. speed 100mm/s Wafer loader: Wafer transfer from cassette to loader chamber: Auto transfer via wafer transfer robot Wafer transfer from loader chamber to stage: Auto evacuation and auto loading Wafer transfer robot system: random access using (2) cassettes Wafer detection in cassette: Auto detection via wafer searcher Chucking method: Vacuum chucking on back of wafer Orientation flat/ V notch detection: non-contact auto detection via optical sensor Electron Optics: Schottky emission type Accelerating voltage: 500 to 1600V Lens system: Electromagnetic condenser lens system, booster objective lens Secondary electron detection: Scintillator/ photomultiplier detection system Objective lens aperture: Heating type movable aperture Scanning coil: 2-stage electromagnetic type (X, Y axes) Probe current monitoring: Faraday cup incorporated, with automatic measurement function Optical microscope: 1.2 mm square visual field, monochrome image Control and display system: Viewing control CRT: 21 type monitor Scanning modes: TV scan, HR scan, SLOW scan Image processing: Software processing using filtering Saftey device: Equipped with emergency off switch CD measurement data processing system: File storage Storage media: Hard disk (2GB), 3.5 type magneto-optic disk, 3.5 floppy disk Data processing function: statistics scanning using worksheet system Printout: 80-character thermal printer Evacuation system: Evacuation principle: Full automatic dry & clean evacuation Vacuum pumps: (3) Ion pump, (2) turbo molecular pump, (2) oil rotary pump Safety devices N2 Gas source (for leak): Gas pressure: 200 to 660 kPa Outside Diameter of connecting tube: 6um Compressed air source (for valve drive) Air pressure: 600 to 880 kPa Outside diameter of connecting tube: 6mm Vacuum source (for auto loader) Vacuum pressure: P= 1.3 to 21.3 kPa Outside diameter of connecting tube: 6mm. VIPS and Cognex are missing Currently warehoused 2000 vintage.
HITACHI S-9200SA掃描電子顯微鏡是滿足先進科學和工業要求的高性能工具。憑借其先進的掃描和檢測技術,它提供了卓越的成像分辨率、靈活性和可用性。其寬大的腔室和高分辨率的抗振系統提供了高度穩定的環境和卓越的圖像清晰度,而其廣泛的自動化操作確保了高效和用戶友好的操作。S-9200SA具有高速超高分辨率PCO(適當的光學組合)和掃描探針系統,可輕松更改,並提供長達160毫米的長工作距離,以適應各種樣本量和形狀。此功能非常適合非標準樣本。PCO與多傾斜和旋轉樣品制備一起,可實現最佳圖像清晰度。掃描系統提供卓越的成像分辨率和對比與一個超高真空(UHV)柱和樣品旋轉階段的集成。它還有一個自動采樣級運動和一個六軸采樣機械手進行詳細分析。采樣階段的高線性精度也有利於精確測量中小采樣零件。顯微鏡還配備了全方位的探測器和信號處理器,從二次電子和反向散射電子探測器到EDX元素分析(EDX)、X射線微分析(XRM)、陰極發光。它還具有先進的數字成像功能,能夠執行3D深度分析、自動像素關聯技術和各種集成功能,如線掃描模式和Z切片。這樣可以確保可靠的數據采集和分析,以及方便地獲取結果。HITACHI S-9200SA提供卓越的圖像質量、低噪聲背景和高信噪比。這使得顯微鏡可以用於苛刻的生命科學和工業應用,如納米表面、半導體工業、電子、材料科學和納米技術。總體而言,S-9200SA是一種高端掃描電子顯微鏡,它將卓越的成像分辨率與復雜樣品的通用選項結合在一起,可以進行復雜的分析和研究。它擁有一系列的自動化操作、先進的探測器和處理器,以及3D深度分析功能,使其成為工業和學術研究項目的理想工具。