二手 EVG / EV GROUP 501 #166262 待售
ID: 166262
晶圓大小: 6"
DVD bonder, up to 6"
Upgraded AB-1
Hole in center for DVD's (not for wafers)
Bond chamber:
For max. vacuum 5 x 10 -2 mbar
Pump time <3min from 1000 to 5 x 10-2 mbar
Purge time <10sec from high vacuum to 1 bar
Electronic rack pneumatic plug in unit, PC-interface card and slot for vacuum controller
With PC software control (requires Windows® 95 or higher)
Data storage on hard or floppy disk
Automatic control of the contact force
Automatic recording of the bond process
Storage of the values as ASCII file (can be used in other Windows® applications)
Personal computer included
Handling tool for unloading of bond tools
Easy program commands for all parameters for anodic and pressure bonding. Four free programmable in- and output interfaces (24 V) for control of optional accessories (vacuum pump, automatic valves, etc.)
Recipe protection via password; recipes can be read and used without knowing the password
Pressure cover:
For pressure bonding for 6" substrates
Adjustable contact force up to 3500N (790 lbf)
Resolution: 3.5 N steps
For vacuum level as specified in basic unit
Pressure insert:
Dedicated pressure insert for 5" discs
Compliant layer set
Vacuum equipment:
Oil-free roughing pump with a pumping capacity of 5m3/h ultimate vacuum 5,0x10E-2mbar abs
Imprint tool, 5":
For stamps up to Ø 125 mm
Bond chuck with mechanical clamping
Separation flags
Nitrogen or compressed air (dried, cleaned): 6-8 bar
Flow rate: 130 Liter / min (275 ft3/h)
Cooling water:
Pressure: 3 - 5 bar (44 - 73 psi)
Flow rate: 1 - 2 Liter/min
Connection diameter (outer diam.): 8mm
Temperature: 18 °C
Power: 120V/208V, 3 phase + ground (4 wire system), +/-5%, 50/60 Hz, direct hookup
max. oxygen content: < 4mg/kg
max. chloride content: < 100mg/kg
no aggressive carbon dioxide and ammonia should not be detachable
use GLYCOL: 30 - 50 %
pH value: 7 – 9
Dial gauge for bow pin height
Lip seal
Temperature measurement not working properly
Currently stored in a cleanroom
1999 vintage.
EVG/EV GROUP 501是一款全自動模具粘合器,設計用於有源、無源和離散器件的精密模底粘合。該粘合器能夠將標準和加壓空氣回流剖面應用於各種模具粘合應用和工藝。它能夠處理5-100 mm的晶圓尺寸,並配備了先進的工藝控制能力,包括模糊邏輯控制的真空系統和壓力傳感器。這提供了高質量模具粘結所需的精度和重復性。粘合劑配有各種各樣的粘合工具和用品。它包括一個標準的模具粘合頭,PbSn通量,通量施加器,空氣回流噴嘴,和一個二次粘合頭。它還包括選擇用於監測工藝溫度的高精度高溫計,以及用於高溫熱過程的加熱床板。此外,粘合器還能夠進行高精度的模具定位,通過手動和自動定位進行控制。模具粘合器的最大精度為+/-1 µm,可以通過PC用戶界面進行精確編程。粘合器還配備了可定制的自動模具放置系統,以匹配要粘合的模具幾何形狀。粘合器具有專有的Powermatrix模具粘合器軟件,該軟件允許使用可編程的粘合參數以及施加的力和位移監視。它還能夠實時數據記錄和離線過程監控。此數據可自動導出到分析軟件以進行進一步分析。該粘合器還設計用於與上遊和下遊流程集成的集成環境中。除了模具粘合器頭之外,它還設計為與標準SMEMA、SEMI、SPEC測試平臺集成。它支持與GDS、Vartool和Tcl等行業標準腳本語言向後兼容。最後,該粘合劑是為高效維護和延長產品壽命而設計的.它具有一個自我診斷程序來識別任何潛在問題,以及一個服務提醒程序,該程序可以定制以提醒用戶何時需要額外維護。該粘合器還附帶一份全面的服務手冊,其中包含有關維護和故障排除的詳細說明。