二手 MEYER BURGER DW 288 #9384449 待售

ID: 9384449
優質的: 2015
Diamond wire saw
Work piece dimensions: Automatic clamping system
Cropping inside machine:
Fixed bearing: 30 mm
Movable bearing: 50 mm
Cross section (Max): 156 mm x 156 mm
Cutting direction top down
Feed speed programmable: 0.05-330 mm / min
Wafer thickness (Min) 100μm
Working stroke (Max): 272 mm
Work piece holder:
Length 1: (2) 310 mm
Length 2: 620 mm
Wire management:
Acceleration (Max): 8m/s²
Core diameter (Min): 100μm
(3) Deflection rollers on each side
Deflection rollers / Rollers diameter: 156.6 mm
Direction: Pilgrim / Direction
Split web interface
Wire break detection integrated: < 5
Wire length: 200 mm
Wire length (Total): Depending on wire spool
Wire speed (Max): ±25 m/s
Wire tension :
Max: 30 ±1
Min: 10 ±1
Spool designation:
Wire spool
Working spool
Storage spool
Storage spool (Diamond wire management system):
Diameter: 366 mm
Length: 374 mm
Usable length: 359 mm
(2) Wire guide rollers
Ambient air temperature transport and storage:
Max: + 40°C
Min: + 10°C
Bearing cooling: Water
Roller bearing
Fixed bearing cooling deviation of temperature: ±0.5°C
Horizontal distance between axis: 470 mm
Relative humidity transport and storage: 75%rH
WGR Coating material: PUR
WGR Coating thickness: 6 mm
WGR Diameter (Max): 270 mm
WGR Diameter (Min recommended): 265 mm
WGR Diameter (Min permissible): 262 mm
Wire web: 620 mm
Cutting fluid management:
Cutting fluid (CF) cooling (With heat exchanger, max capacity): 35 Kw
CF Filter, splitter filter: 100 µm
CF Flow (Max): 200 I/min
CF Temperature at nozzle: ± 1°C
Cutting fluid type: Water / Glycol
Interface to the tank hose nipple diameter: 48.3 mm
Tank capacity: 240 L
Tank emptying remaining quantity: 2-5 L
Cooling water (Internal loop):
Antifreeze additive maximum (CS-Pro Plus): 10%
CF Heat exchanger (Max capacity): 35 kW
Temperature range: 22 ±1°C
Water filter strainer size: 0.25 mm
User interface / Control panel:
Operation interface: Process-oriented operation
Screen size, 15"
Type: 1024 x 768
Touchscreen / Joystick
Control system:
Alarm and cut protocol logging
Remote access
Type: SIEMENS Step 7
UPS System integrated
Covers / Doors: Stainless
Electrical cabinet: 7037 RAL
Machine frame: 7037 RAL
Noise level (Max, free field): 71 dB (A)
Compressed air:
Connection (Interface) hose nipple diameter: 12 mm
Consumption: 15Nm³/h
Input pressure (Min): 5.5bar
Density (Class 4), max: 8 mg/m³
Diameter (Class 4), max: 0.015 mm
Pressure dew point: +3°C
Oil content (Class 4), max: 5mg/m³
Water content (Class 4), max: 6mg/m³
Air exhaust:
Connection PVC pipe depth: 30mm
Inside diameter: 105mm
Quantity: 150 – 250m³/h
Electric system:
Connection power: 130 kW
Electrical standards: EN60204 / EN60439 / EN61439 / EN13849
Clamp cross section:
Maximum: 90 mm
Minimum: 70 mm
Maximum: 60 Hz
Minimum: 50 Hz
Integrated smooth stop: Standard
IP Protection class (Electrical cabinet, touchscreen): IP54
Line voltage: (3) 400 VAC, ±10 %
Line voltage options: (3) 440 / 460 / 480 VAC, ±10 %
Network (Ethernet) connection: RJ 45
Operating power maximum: 130 kW
Operating power typical: 30 kW
Power fuse: 200 A
Prevention against power grid: 24 DC
Shut down time when emergency stop (Time to stop): 3 S
Tolerated mains failure: 10 ms
WGR Motor overload protection: 50 kW
WGR Motor power:
Left: 35 kW
Right: 35 kW
Sun power
2015 vintage.
MEYER BURGER DW 288是一款先進的晶體生長、鋸切和切片設備,專門設計用於為電子和電信行業加工高質量的晶體陶瓷。它為復雜產品或敏感材料的所有操作提供最大精度。DW 288系統能夠高效、一致地生產各種尺寸和形狀的任意數量的結晶陶瓷。其先進的晶體生長單元由混合型感應管、壓控石墨熱發生器、溫度傳感器模塊以及自動調諧和B場對準系統組成。這些組件,加上MEYER BURGER DW 288先進的溫度管理和數據記錄功能,為晶體生長提供了穩定可靠的環境。DW 288機的專利鋸切刀具以激光二極管和超低振動、超精密直線電動機為中心。這使資產能夠以高吞吐量速度執行準確可靠的鋸切操作。鋸切模型還具有亞微米精度,可以支持生產精細電子元件和器件所需的各種切割和修剪操作。MEYER BURGER DW 288設備配有用戶友好、直觀的圖形界面。這允許用戶輕松編程和控制系統。該單位還有一個全自動測試和報告機器,用於最終產品質量保證。這樣可以確保使用DW 288工具生產的每種產品都符合客戶的期望。MEYER BURGER DW 288資產是晶體、陶瓷基材或其他需要精密切割的產品的理想選擇。它提供一致和準確的切割結果,產量高,同時保持單位成本低。它是一種經濟高效、可靠的解決陶瓷和結晶產品制造要求的解決方案。