二手 REDMET 30A #174316 待售

ID: 174316
CZ pullers
For crucibles 18"
Currently used to grow silicon ingots
Power consumption: up to 130 kVA
Rated power: up to 250 kVA
Nominal temperature on heater: not less than 1 450°С
Instability of heater temperature: up to ±0,5%
Charge Capacity (with the use of re-charger) – 72 kg
Argon gas pressure, Pa - 0,66×10³ — 2,666×10³ (5—20)
Ultimate vacuum, 0,002 millimeters of mercury
Vertical seed travel – 1 500 mm
Vertical crucible travel – 250 mm
Argon gas consumption – 500 – 3 000 l/hour
Cooling water consumption, not more than 10 m³/hour
Gross weight of the puller, not more than 7 000 kg
Components of the Furnace:
- furnace unit
- control cabinet
- vacuum pump unit
- cabinet (transformer and thyristor-diode converter)
3 phase, 50 Hz, 380/220 V voltage
Heater power supply, heater temperature and voltage control, electrical drives power supply, vacuum system control, control circuit control, signaling and protection
Vacuum pumps and hot zone are not included
Currently installed
1991 – 1993 vintage.
REDMET 30A晶體生長、鋸切和切片設備是為實驗室級晶體生長、采樣和切片而設計的功能廣泛、功能強大的系統。它由一個堅固的30A電源和高度絕緣的陶瓷爐提供動力,可以在過程中精確控制溫度和壓力。該裝置能夠在高達2300攝氏度的溫度和高達24 bar的壓力下運行,允許廣泛的晶體生長應用。REDMET 30A配備了強大的切片機,可快速準確地切割樣品。它包括一個高精度的線性執行器,能夠切割直角具有卓越的精度。機器還包括一個可調精密鋸和一個機動化平臺,樣品將放置在該平臺上進行切片。鋸具有很高的扭矩,使它能夠精確切割最堅韌的晶體。30 A包括功能強大的光學顯微鏡和集成成像工具,可讓您實時可視化晶體。這樣可以確保在切片和鋸切階段準確定位和檢查樣品。顯微鏡還有一個數字變焦資產和一個內置的軟件包,使您的切片易於和高效的操作。REDMET 30A的設計考慮了安全性,並采用了多種安全系統來防止事故發生。它包括一個用於監測和調節爐溫的壓力和溫度傳感器,以及在生長過程中提取任何有害煙霧的強大通風。它還具有運動監視器,它將在突然或意外移動時關閉模型。總體而言,30A是一種先進而通用的晶體生長、采樣和切片設備。它由堅固的REDMET 30A電源供電,能夠達到適合各種晶體生長應用的溫度和壓力。此外,其精密切片機和鋸、數字顯微鏡以及集成安全系統等特點進一步提高了其整體性能。這使得30A成為晶體研究領域任何人的理想選擇。