二手 HIGH VOLTAGE INC. PTS-130 #9091590 待售

ID: 9091590
DC Hipot Megohmmeter, 0-130 kVdc, 10mA 2-Range voltmeter Five range current meter with a 0-1μA low range with resolution to 10 nanoamperes Megohm readings at any output voltage Regulated input for accurate, reliable results Ideal for field generator use Internal HV shorting solenoid with discharge resistor Continuous Duty Cycle Rugged and automatic transit protected meters Insulated Return and Guard circuit to bypass stray and unwanted leakage current Rugged case with cushion grip handles Anti-static glass front meters eliminate static buildup Rugged, field proven construction Surge and transient protection External safety and zero start interlocks Designed with separate controls and HV tank Cable storage bin on HV tank Input: 60 Hz: 120 V, 15 Amps 50/60 Hz: 230 V, 8 Amps Output: 0-130 kVdc, 10 mA Polarity: Negative output Positive ground Duty: Continuous, capacitive charging Ripple: N/A capacitive load <2.5% RMS resistive load Regulation: N/A (no ferro-resonant regulator) Kilovoltmeter: 0-75/150 kVdc Current Meter (Megohm Scale): 0-1.0 dc microamperes, w/ x1, x10, x100, x1k, x10k 100-1 Megohms, w/ x0.1, x1, x10, x100, x1k Standard Configuration.
HIGH VOLTAGE INPTS-130是由HIGH VOLTAGE INC開發的可編程高壓測試儀。公司測試各種電氣元件,從半導體器件到電源線和系統。PTS-130是具有內部電源、高壓電源和數字控制的多通道系統。它設計用於設備特性、電流和電壓的靜態和動態測量、電容器測試以及電壓絕緣測試等應用。HIGH VOLTAGE INPTS-130的電源由兩個通道組成,每個通道的最大輸出電壓為130kV。每個通道都可以在10到130kV的範圍內進行調節,並且可以按1V小的步驟進行編程。內部電源由有源功率因數校正組成,適用於交流電源115V的國家。表格和數字控制器允許用戶為每個測試設置電壓點,存儲結果,並以各種格式導入/導出數據。PTS-130還提供了一個用戶友好的界面,它帶有圖形顯示,可幫助用戶直觀監控測試進度,並使用直觀的菜單和遙控器執行測試。它還具備過電流、過電壓、過溫度、過壓力保護等安全功能。此外,它還有一個可選的高壓安全聯鎖(HVSI),以確保系統的安全和完整性。此外,HIGH VOLTAGE INC.PTS-130提供了多種附加附件,如高壓連接器和電纜、自動脈沖、諧波驅動探頭等。這些附件有助於執行諸如表面測量、射頻測量等測試。最後,PTS-130在進行高壓測試時提供了可靠、準確的測試解決方案。該機器使用方便,可靠高效,壽命很長,通常超過10年。整體HIGH VOLTAGE INC.PTS-130是測試從半導體器件到電源線和系統的各種電氣元件的絕佳選擇。用戶友好的界面、可編程性選項和高精度測試使得這成為高壓測試設備的有力推薦。