二手 ROHDE & SCHWARZ ESIB40 #110566 待售

ID: 110566
radio communications tester
Frequency range: 20 Hz to 40 GHz
Very high sensitivity (NF typ. 10 dB)
Excellent large-signal immunity (1 dB comp.: +10 dBm)
Measurement uncertainty: less than 1 dB up to 1 GHz
Measurement speed and result processing: 100 µs
Inherent noise: less than -3 dBµV
Fast scanning and sweeping
Compliant with CISPR 16-1-1
(2) RF inputs with additional pulse protection (20 Hz to 1 GHz)
Integrated 20 dB preamplifier (selectable): 1 kHz to 7 GHz
Pre-selection in receiver mode (fixed) and analyzer mode (selectable)
Resolution bandwidths: -3 dB RBWs and -6 dB RBWs selectable
Parallel detectors: peak, average, quasi-peak, CISPR average and RMS
Automatic overload detection and auto ranging
Editors for user-definable transducer factors/sets and limit lines
Internal test routines
Evaluation functions:pre-scan, data reduction, final measurement
Split screen display: mixed analyzer/receiver mode
Scan table editor: up to (10) sub-ranges with individual parameter setting
Automatic scan and display of traces in parallel (receiver mode)
Maximum (4) traces with up to 80,000 samples each
Time-domain measurements (zero span):
Up to 50 ns resolution for interference source analysis
Self-calibration routines including result documentation
Interfaces: IEC/IEEE, serial, parallel, LAN (optional)
Comprehensive marker evaluation functions:
Search, delta, tune-to-marker, marker track
Integrated controller function under Windows NT 4.0
Printer-driver compatibility
Easy hardcopy capabilities
Quick firmware update
LC color display: 24 cm
Noise display (30 Hz to 100 kHz) with magn. coil R&S HZ-10
Installed options:
B16: 100 BaseT LAN interface
B18: Removable hard disk.
ROHDE&SCHWARZ ESIB40是一種高度靈活和通用的電子測試和測量設備,旨在提供頻率領域的精確和可靠的測量。它是多用途儀器的組合,處理高頻信號的生成、采集、分析、處理等不同任務。ESIB40基於模塊化體系結構,包括一組儀器卡,可用於復雜電子電路的測試、測量和診斷中的各種應用。它包括六個模擬儀器、兩個數字儀器、一個控制模塊和一個與主機PC通信的串行接口。模擬儀器有頻率合成器、頻率發生器、信號分析器、示波器、拍頻探測器和分頻器。它們都集成了許多功能,以滿足具有挑戰性的測量和應用要求。頻率合成器卡可以產生高達27 MHz的模擬信號,能夠滿足精確的頻率設置和控制要求。此外,「頻率發生器」卡可以精確設置任意重復率、過程或時間。這兩張卡還提供方便用戶的菜單。ROHDE&SCHWARZ ESIB40 Signal Analyzer卡用於測量各種條件下信號的模態特性。它能夠同時測量多個信號,並對高達1 MHz的信號進行時域分析。示波器卡設計用於產生高達40 Mhz的實時電壓或電流波形,並提供用於精確波形測量的觸發、采樣和存儲功能。Beat Frequency Detector卡用於檢測兩個信號系統中的beat頻率。最後,頻率判別卡允許在寬帶信號頻段內精確地拾取頻率諧波。ESIB40套數字儀器包括數字觸發器和數字頻度計。數字觸發發生器(Digital Trigger Generator)是一種先進的觸發發生器卡,旨在產生復雜的脈沖波形,並為測試數字電路提供獨特的測量條件。數字頻率計用於實時精確的精確頻率測量。ROHDE&SCHWARZ ESIB40還包括一個控制模塊卡,允許通過其串行接口遠程控制和監視設備。此設備即使位於遠處,也可以從計算機ESIB40訪問數據和信息。總體而言,ROHDE&SCHWARZ ESIB40測試和測量工具是一種通用的解決方案,可在頻域中提供精確可靠的測量。其模塊化架構和儀器可用於復雜電子電路的測試、測量和診斷等多種應用。