
ID: 9247992
Glove box
Modular glove box (expandable at any time)
Material: Stainless steel 1.4301
Inner dimensions:
Width: 1,240 mm
Depth: 790 mm
Height: 900 mm
Standard equipment:
(2) Glove ports d=220 mm made of POM, white
(2) Gloves, made of anti-static butyl
(2) Security seal rings for gloves made of stainless steel
(3) Shelves at the rear wall, adjustable
(2) DIN ISO KF40 Feed throughs
(2) HEPA H14 Filters (Gas inlet / gas outlet)
Electro feed through 240 V includes 6-way socket
LED Light strip above front screen
Security and comfort valve
Table, height adjustable, with rolls and locking device
With Gas purification type: E-Line
Single filter system for efficient removal of O2 and H2O
Attainable purification level: < 1 ppm O2 and H2O
Capacity of purification: Up to 5.2 m³ glove box volume
Required gas for regeneration: Inert gas with 4%-10% H2
Standard equipment:
SIEMENS PLC With color touchscreen, 7"
Automatic flushing of the glove box
Automatic pressure control of the glove box
Over pressure and under pressure selectable
Adjustable alarm for O2 or H2O
Automatic reactor valves
Automatic run at the reactor regeneration
Automatic circulation blower
Automatic anti chamber cycle programmable
2-Stage vacuum pump
18.9 m³/h with oil mist filter.
GS GLOVEBOX SYSTEMTECHNIK GMBH Mega 2是一種為提供人工控制環境而設計的環境室。該室通常用於測試材料和產品設計、食品穩定性研究、微生物研究和加速老化測試。該室專為具有復雜測試需求的應用而設計,因此其功能強大且經過定制,可滿足任何客戶的特定需求。它由不銹鋼構成,使其具有很高的耐用性和理想的測試用途。該單元還配備了玻璃門,可以在不影響內部環境的情況下觀看房間。腔室內部容積高達194升,溫度範圍為-85 °C至+180 °C。它還有多種選擇讓用戶定制測試環境,包括高效玻璃棒-128蒸發單元、用於虛擬模擬的附加溫度傳感器、三級相對濕度、各種通風設置以及附加照明。該室還包括一個警報系統,在任何環境測試超出範圍時觸發信號。這樣可以確保用戶知道腔室環境中是否發生任何更改。該腔室被制成人性化,配有7英寸微觸摸面板和圖形用戶界面來控制環境。除了標準功能外,Mega 2還提供了一些附加選項,如腐蝕和溫度循環測試、液體冷卻、熱油箱、高密度泡沫絕緣和油冷卻系統。GS GLOVEBOX SYSTEMTECHNIK GMBH Mega 2還提供了幾種樣品架可供選擇,在測試樣品時具有很大的靈活性。總體而言,Mega 2是一個強大而靈活的環境室。它的不銹鋼結構確保了持久的耐用性,其可自定義的選項使用戶能夠靈活地創建最符合其需求的測試環境。GS GLOVEBOX SYSTEMTECHNIK GMBH Mega 2是尋找可靠環境測試室的一個絕佳選擇。