二手 HIRAYAMA PC 422R8 #9228145 待售

ID: 9228145
優質的: 2008
HAST Chamber
Heater capacity:
Steam generator: 1.7 kW
Test chamber: 1.3 kW
Effective inside size: Φ 340 x 475 D (mm) 40 (on Tray)
(2) Operation modes:
Programmed operation mode
Fixed-value operation mode
Programmed operation: Up to 100 patterns & 800 steps
Temperature control method: PID Control, SSR drive
Test mode:
Humidity / Standard Test mode selector switch
Humidity: HAST & PCT Test mode
Standard : WET Test & cleaning mode
Test temperature:
Working temperature range:
105.0~133.3 °C (at 100% RH)
110.0~140.0 °C (at 85% RH)
118.0~150.0 °C (at 65% RH)
Temperature control accuracy: ± 0.5°C
Temperature distribution accuracy:
± 0.5°C (at 100% RH)
±1.0°C (at 85% RH)
Working humidity range: 65~100% RH
Humidity control accuracy: ± 3% RH (at 85% RH)
Working pressure range: 0.019 ~ 0.208 MPaG (Gauge pressure)
Category: Small sized pressure vessel
Maximum operation time: 500 Hours of continuous operation
Timer-programmable duration: 1 min ~ 999 hour 59 min
Hour meter: 16,456
Power interruption back-up: 4 seconds (Approximate)
Temperature increase time: 60/min approximate
Room temperature: 120°C, 85% RH
Exhaust mode selector switch:
Mode 1: Slow cooling at constant humidity
Mode 2: Moisture-retentive cooling
Mode 3: Quick exhaust
BIAS Terminals: 20 Terminals (125V, up to total 30W)
Chamber material: Electro-polished stainless steel SUS316L
Water supply method:
Automatically supplied to steam generator from built-in feed water tank (At beginning)
Door open/close:
Front ward slide-out device
Dotting recorder 100 mmW (Temperature, Humidity, pressure)
Digital recorder with CF card
(2) Drain hoses
Water supply / Drain hose
(2) AC Cords
Feed water auxiliary tank
(2) Lid gaskets
(2) Power switch keys
(2) Recording papers
Power supply cables (Positive & negative)
Recorder manual
Operation manual
Handy manual
Power requirements: AC 220/230/240 V, 50/60 Hz, Single-phase, 3.2 kW
2008 vintage.
HIRAYAMA PC 422R8是一個業界領先的環境室,設計用於研究和工業應用。該室在各種研究和工業應用環境中提供精確可靠的溫度、濕度和壓力控制。HIRAYAMA PC-422R8環境室內部容量大,為426升,提供-20°C至+130°C的溫度範圍。其冷卻速率達到-3 °C/min,升溫速率達到+3 °C/min。溫度和濕度可分別在± 0.1°C和± 0.75%的相對濕度內精確調節和監測。該室還有一個綜合加熱/冷卻/加濕/幹燥系統和自我調節濕度控制。PC 422-R8采用高檔雙層不銹鋼結構,並配有高效的視覺玻璃觀賞窗。腔室配有省電低噪聲風扇電機,延長使用壽命。它還具有高效的合成絕緣材料,可以提高溫度均勻性。為了安全起見,該室配有溫度過高的保護系統,並配有嵌入式溫度/濕度和開門警報。PC-422R8還包括一個先進的微處理器控制器,用戶友好,易於操作。LCD和鍵盤可快速設置所需的參數,並用於查看控制狀態和警報信息。此外,還提供USB端口,以便於連接到PC以進行遠程監視和控制。該腔室與各種第三方軟件兼容,還可以連接到打印機和條形碼掃描儀等外圍設備。總體而言,PC 422R8環境室是一個創新和可靠的室,旨在在各種研究和工業應用環境中精確可靠地控制溫度、濕度和壓力。它采用高檔雙層不銹鋼結構,具有高效的視鏡觀察窗,集成加熱/冷卻/加濕/幹燥系統,並包括先進的微處理器控制器,用戶友好,操作方便。