二手 TEMPSENS FASTcal 3000 #293696627 待售

ID: 293696627
Temperature calibrator AST 250 Pyrometer Temperature range: 210°C to 3000°C Spectral range: 1.6 Wavelength: 1000 nm or 1600 nm Temperature range: 500°C to 3000°C Accuracy: 0.25% of the temperature ±1°C Temperature resolution: 0.1°C Emissivity: 0.995 ±0.005 Graphite dual cavity blackbody Heating aperture: 25 mm Argon gas: 15-20 LPM Purity of gas: 99.99% Heating range: 3000°C Ambient: ±15°C Power supply: 12 V to 28 V Power: 220 VAC, 2 Phase AC, 60 Hz, 60 KW PC.