二手 THERMOTRON SE 600-6-6 #9217229 待售


ID: 9217229
Environmental chamber THERMOTRON 8800 Controller / Touch screen programmer Internal dimensions: 40"W x 26"D x 33"H Air cooled system Feed-thru ports Stainless steel interior Includes: Window, castors, shelf The window sizes for SE environmental chambers: 15 x 19 inches/38 x 48 cm Custom window sizes Temperature control: ±0.3° C (±0.5° F) Standard deviation from mean, measured at -25° C (-13° F) or 100° C (212° F) Air temperature measured with empty climatic chamber Environmental chambers are tested with 50 lbs/23 kg aluminum sheets Climatic chamber performance: Laboratory ambient conditions of 23.9° C, and may vary slightly Noise level: weighted sound pressure level: Distance of 1.0 meter (39.4 inches) Equipment surface and a height of 1.6 meters (63 inches) Floor in free-field conditions, using a calibrated instrument THERMOTRON Environmental test equipment: Not designed to process hazardous materials Temperature uniformity: ±0.5° C (±0.9® F) Temperature range: -70° C - l80° C (-94° Ftc 356° F) Temperature control tolerance: 0.3° C (0.5° F) Move-in dimensions W x D x H: 49 x 70 x 83 inches, 124 x 178 x 211 centimeters Inlet water gal / Liters per minute 24°C / 75°F: Air-cooled Inlet water gal / Liters per minute 18°C / 65°F: Air-cooled Inlet water gal / Liters per minute 13°C / 55°F: Air-cooled Inlet water gal / Liters per minute 29°C / 85°F: Air-cooled Humidity range: 10 to 98% RH Humidity control: +A 2.5% RH Heating performance in minutes -65° to 71° C: 17 Heating performance in minutes -65° to 180° C: 37 Heating performance in minutes -40" to 85° C: 16 Heating performance in °C/minute -65' to 71°C: 8° C Heating performance in °C/minute -65°to 180°C: 6.6° C Heating performance in °C/minute -40° to 85"C: 7.8° C Electrical requirements in full load Amps 460/3/60: 32 Electrical requirements in full load Amps 400/3/50: 34 Electrical requirements in full load Amps 230/ 3 / 60: 63 Electrical requirements in full load Amps 208 / 3 / 60: 66 Cooling performance in minutes 85° to -40° C: 22 Cooling performance in minutes 71° to -65° C: 30 Cooling performance in minutes 180° to -65° C: 50 Cooling performance in °C/minute 85* to -40° C: 5.6° C Cooling performance in °C/minute 71° to -65° C: 4.5° C Cooling performance in °C/minute 180° to -65° C: 4.9° C Airflow: 1000 CFM.
THERMOTRON SE 600-6-6環境室設計為模擬各種環境條件,以測試溫度、濕度和振動對各種材料和元件的影響。這種先進的腔室可對各種溫度(-75°C至260 °C)和濕度(10%至98%)進行精確控制,特別適合測試汽車部件和航空航天材料。THERMOTRON SE-600-6-6提供堅固而高效的設計功能,包括全焊接不銹鋼、矽橡膠絕緣材料和帶視覺窗的雙墊圈門鎖。其雙獨立制冷系統工作無縫提供可靠的操作和快速熱回收。該室還提供了在測試和高級儀器的準確和可重復的讀數過程中方便地訪問樣品。強大的振動系統提供了動態載荷和機械沖擊場景的實際模擬,動態載荷高達95.0 Kgf-m/700 lbf-in,激發範圍從10到98 gRMS。5通道模擬輸入輸入和標準串行通信端口簡化了對樣本的監控和測試,用戶可以實時訪問測試結果。總體而言,SE 600-6-6環境室對於那些尋找能夠處理極端溫度和振動條件的可靠環境室的人來說是一個極好的選擇。它的重型結構和精密的儀表提供精確的控制和準確性,非常適合航空航天和汽車測試應用。