二手 MARCH FLEXTRAK-2MB #9185980 待售

ID: 9185980
優質的: 2014
Plasma cleaners
Multiple inline plasma modules
Uniform plasma treatment
Dual lane boat handling
Ideal for pre-flip-chip underfill
(3) Axes symmetrical plasma chamber
(2) Boats/plasma cycles
Chamber maximum volume: 5.5 liters (338 in³)
Plasma processes:
Pre-flip chip underfill
Pre-die attach
Pre-wire bond
Pre-mold steps
Plasma contamination removal & cleaning:
Fluorine & other halogens
Metals & metal oxides
Organic compounds
Variable electrode configurations:
Working area: 305W x 305D mm (12W x 12D in.)
RF Power:
Standard wattage: 600 W
Frequency: 13.56 MHz
Gas control:
Flow volumes: 10, 25, 50, 100, 250 or 500 sccm
(4) MFCs
Control & interface:
Software control: EPC with PC-Based touch screen interface
Remote interface: SMEMA, SECS/GEM
Vacuum pump:
Standard dry pump: 16 cfm
Optional wet pump: 19.5 cfm
Optional purged dry pump: 16 cfm
N2 Purged pump flow: (2) slm
Process gas fitting size & type: 6.35 mm (0.25 in.) OD SWAGELOK Tube
Process gas purity: Lab or electronic grade
Process gas pressure: 0.69 bar (10 psig) min. to 1.03 bar (15 psig) max
Purge gas fitting size & type: 6.35 mm (0.25 in.) OD SWAGELOK Tube
Purge gas purity: Lab or electronic grade N2/CDA
Purge gas pressure: 2 bar (30 psig) min to 6.9 bar (100 psig) max
Pneumatic valves fitting size & type: 6.35 mm (0.25 in.) OD SWAGELOK Tube
Pneumatic gas purity:
Oil free
Dewpoint: ≤7°C (45°F)
Particulate size: <5μm
Pneumatic gas pressure: 3.45 bar (50 psig) min to 6.89 bar (100 psig) max
Exhaust: 25.4 mm (1 in.) OD Pipe flange
SEMI: E10, S2/S8 (EH&S/Ergonomics)
Gas generators: Nitrogen, hydrogen (requires additional non-optional hardware)
Power supply: 220 VAC, 15A, 50/60 Hz, 1-Phase, 12 AWG, 3-Wire
CE Marked
2014 vintage.
MARCH FLEXTRAK-2MB是一種蝕刻器/asher,設計用於半導體行業內的潔凈室生產環境。它能夠以5微米的分辨率將光刻膠圖像再現到半導體晶片或其他基板上。與其他可用的蝕刻解決方案相比,這種最先進的蝕刻器/蝕刻器具有許多獨特的優勢。MARCH FLEXTRAK 2MB具有14英寸的大工作區域,允許廣泛的光刻加工操作。它支持隨機和均勻陣列,包括線形、矩形、圓和橢圓。這樣可以確保圖像的制作具有很高的準確性和精確度。FLEXTRAK-2MB配備了先進的可編程邏輯電路,便於修改其蝕刻參數。這意味著蝕刻過程可以根據給定應用程序的特定要求進行調整。通過調整蝕刻時間、分辨率、功率等參數,可以實現卓越的重復性、均勻性和圖像質量。FLEXTRAK 2MB提供了許多安全功能。為確保操作過程中的最大安全,該裝置配備了緊急停止能力、用於處理晶片的自動編子系統以及用於監視的背光安全玻璃。蝕刻器/asher還具有獨特的冷卻系統,可保護細膩晶片的表面不會過熱。MARCH FLEXTRAK-2MB提供了廣泛的應用程序編程選項,使光刻蝕刻過程易於自動化。用戶可以利用各種專有軟件程序來提高吞吐量和流程質量,同時還可以利用MARCH FLEXTRAK 2MB的高級功能。最後,FLEXTRAK-2MB設計的功耗低,有助於減少對環境的影響。這使得它非常適合研究和生產環境,在這些環境中,能效是優先考慮的。總之,FLEXTRAK 2MB是任何需要高分辨率、精確度和重復性的蝕刻操作的理想選擇。憑借其先進的功能和低功耗,它是潔凈室生產、研究或其他行業應用的理想選擇。