二手 MATTSON Aspen II #293633237 待售

ID: 293633237
晶圓大小: 8"
Dual ICP systems, 8" Cassette door cylinder, 18" ICP Dual chamber with cooling chamber (4) Quartz tubes (4) RF Coils (4) Channels gas lines per chamber with MFC (4) AO Boards (4) Matching boxes (2) Heater blocks (2) Slit doors (2) Gas boxes (2) DI/O Boards (2) Process chambers (2) RF Generators (Comet cito plus) 2-Lift pins Pressure controller: (2) ACX, (2) Throttle valves Robot Shuttle Arm Platform Cassette door O-Ring and ISO valve CPU Board AI Board Indexer boar SECS II Board PIB Motor control board Analog filter board Terminal panel Operator interface: Y (SMIF Type).