二手 SPTS Sigma FxP #9058880 待售


ID: 9058880
晶圓大小: 6"
PVD System, 6" Aluminum, Ti, TiN deposition 8-Port Transport Module configured as follows: • 150 mm wafer size • Two Vacuum Cassette Elevators (VCE) • Transfer Chamber with high throughput Magnatran 7B Robot • Inligner for wafer pre-alignment • Cooldown Station for post-process wafer cooling • Pfeiffer TPH260 turbo pump for each VCE • CTI Onboard 8 Cryo Pump for Transfer Chamber Hot Soft etch (HSE) module (1): Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) module for wafer heating and/or surface preparation configured with: • Coil RF driven by AE RFX600A generator • Platen RF bias driven by AE RFX600A generator • Phase-locked matching • High temperature platen o Resistively heated o Set temperature range 80 to 600 °C o PID temperature controller with ±10 °C accuracy • Gas lines o 50 sccm MKS MFC for Ar (process) o 300 sccm MKS MFC for Ar (backfill heat) • Vacuum system o CTI Onboard 8F Enhanced Cryo Pump o MKS 50mT and 10 Torr full range Baratrons o Inficon BAG100S Ion Gauge o Two-position gate valve. Process chamber pressure is defined by gas flows Standard Aluminium deposition module (2): DC planar magnetron sputter module for thick aluminium deposition configured with: • 45 mm fixed target to wafer spacing • Swept-field magnetron • AE Pinnacle 30 kW DC Target PSU • Praxair Al (1%Si) monoblock UFG Target fitted for standard Trikon process acceptance testing • High temperature standard platen o Resistively heated o Set temperature range 50 to 400 °C o PID temperature controller with ±10 °C accuracy o Enhanced air cooling for thick film depositions • Gas lines o 100 sccm MKS MFC for Ar (process) • Vacuum system o CTI Onboard 8F Enhanced Cryo Pump o MKS 50 mT and 10 T full-range Baratron gauges o Inficon BAG100S ion gauge o Two-position gate valve. Gas flows define process pressure. Standard Aluminium/Ti/TiN/TiW deposition module (1): DC planar magnetron sputter module for aluminium deposition configured also to deposit titanium, titanium nitride or titanium tungsten. • 45 mm fixed target to wafer spacing • Swept-field magnetron • Slow magnetron motor for Cu-backed target operation • AE Pinnacle 30 kW DC Target PSU • Praxair Al (1%Si) monoblock UFG Target fitted for standard Trikon process acceptance testing • Shutter for in-situ target cleaning • High temperature standard platen o Resistively heated o Set temperature range 50 to 400 °C o PID temperature controller with ±10 °C accuracy o Enhanced air cooling for thick film depositions • Platen RF bias driven by AE RFX600A generator • Gas lines o 300 sccm MKS MFC for Ar (process) o 100 sccm MKS MFC for N2 (process) • MKS Microvision IP RGA • Vacuum system o CTI Onboard 8F Enhanced Cryo Pump o MKS 50mT and 10 Torr full range Baratrons o Inficon BAG100S ion gauge o Two-position gate valve. Gas flows define process pressure. Cluster tool controller (CTC) and datalogging PC: • 1 GHz Dual Pentium III with 1 Gb RAM • 40 Gb SCSI hard drive, 3.5 inch 1.44 Mb floppy, Zip, CD ROM • TCP/IP comms to Module Controllers Module controllers: • PC104-based • Geode 300MHz with 256 Mb RAM • Windows embedded OS with Compact Flash storage Operator interface: • High resolution colour touchscreen, with membrane keyboard in clean room interface panel • Maintenance keyboard and touchscreen in grey area. System and module mimic and status displays • Password access control to user-defined security levels • High and low-level control of individual devices subject to interlocks and level of security access Recipe programming: • Multi-step, multi-chamber recipes possible, with serial, parallel and recursive wafer sequencing • Recipe entries prompted and checked Event monitoring: • Alarms and events displayed and logged • Light tower displays system status. • Lot and wafer tracking supported • Process and machine parameters monitored and displays continuously updated • Process data logged to disk Data logging: • Captures measured values every second • Stored by wafer number/batch id/process step • Data displayed on GUI or can be exported to remote PC in .CSV file format for data manipulation Operating system/software: • Cluster Tool and Module Controllers run Windows OS • High-level software in C++ Host computer interface: • Fully SECS II/GEM compliant via HSMS The system is CE marked, conforming to the following standards: • Machine Directive 98/37/EC • EMC Directive 89/336/EEC • Low voltage Directive 73/23/EEC 2005 vintage.
SPTS Sigma FxP 蝕刻器/asher是一種高吞吐量、高級蝕刻和灰化解決方案,專為低成本的25 nm以下工藝節點制造而設計。它在單個集成系統中提供原位高分辨率成像、高通量處理、反應性離子蝕刻(RIE)和原子層沈積(ALD)功能。該平臺旨在滿足當今領先的消費電子制造商的先進包裝要求。Sigma FxP的高級蝕刻和灰化解決方案對於涉及薄膜沈積、圖樣化和晶圓平面化的過程特別有利。它提供了一個易於使用的平臺,與傳統技術相比,以較小的剩余殘留物和較少的工藝步驟,在單個步驟中將多層蝕刻到基板上。SPTS Sigma FxP具有先進的導航模塊和過程控制器,以及高度先進的集成真空系統。它對工藝參數的高精度、實時監控和控制比傳統的蝕刻或灰化工藝能提供更高的精度。實時數據也可用於流程優化。為了適應光刻工藝,Sigma FxP實現了設備功能的直接成像,從而改進了工藝控制和反饋。先進的光學器件允許比大多數其他蝕刻和灰化系統更高的分辨率,也可以提供更精確的3D微觀結構表征。SPTS Sigma FxP平臺還提供高級自動化功能,以減少用戶在處理過程中的幹預。兩個獲得專利的精密定位系統為工藝頭提供了可重復和準確的移動,以提高對準精度,同時還提供了精密的負載鎖定和負載端口操作,以提高吞吐量。Sigma FxP還通過其先進的基板處理系統提供了更大的靈活性。這允許用戶將其基材從一個加工站移動到另一個加工站,而不會造成任何損壞或過程汙染的風險。SPTS Sigma FxP專為高通量和高質量性能而設計。它提供實時的過程監控、控制和優化,從而實現比其他類似系統更高的盈利能力。其先進的成像和自動化功能在過程時間和能耗方面可節省成本。Sigma FxP非常可靠,平均故障間隔時間大於200,000小時。這使得它非常適合高級25 nm以下進程節點項目中的應用程序。