二手 CHA Mark 40C-RH #9390229 待售

Mark 40C-RH
ID: 9390229
E-Beam evaporator Dual operation Moving substrates Exceptional Film Uniformity (EFU) Sputter up Process stations Round cathodes, RF or DC (Up to 4-stations) Co-deposit Bias, RF or DC Substrate heating, 400°C, multi-element Substrate heating station Electron beam Thermal Ion beam pre-clean / Etch Plasma texturing/etch Cryo coil: 1,000 L/Sec Process chamber Insitu spectrophotometer Drop well source Easy access to front and rear door Variable source-to-substrate distance Utilities Water supply, 10 GPM Air supply, 85-125 PSIG Deposition fixturing adjustable angle planet Vertical drum with pallets Rotating disk Rotating dome Flat planetary Shutter Pumping stack Dry or oil sealed roughing pump Regeneration options Famous right angle pumping/plumbing Exceptional pumping performance High vacuum valve, vertical seal, 16" Foreline and roughing valves, vertical seal, 3" Large refrigeration vapor pumping options Mechanical pump, minimum CFM Molecular sieve trap Cold trap LN2, 25L pump trap, optional water pump LN2 level control Ionization gauge control Gas controls Pumping options: Cryo Turbo Diffusion Ultimate vacuum: System: 10^-9 Torr Chamber:10^-8 Torr Power supply options: Electron beam: 6-10-15 kW Sputtering: 1-3-5-15-30 KW Heater: 6-10-16 kW Thermal deposition: 1-5-10 kW.
CHA Mark 40C-RH蒸發器是一種可靠、高性能的工業蒸發器,設計用於各種工業冷卻和幹燥過程。該單元采用單級設計,外殼結構清晰,便於訪問,維護最少。蒸發器具有400升的容量,整體高度為1270mm,工作溫度範圍為-20°C至+65°C。蒸發器利用先進的軸向風機產生高質量的空氣運動,以快速、高效的冷卻過程。同軸設計通過蒸發器殼體供應空氣,由單獨的風扇產生水平流動,以保持空氣高速流出。空氣的流量是可調的,蒸發器利用R 22和R134a制冷劑來最大化效率。蒸發器還具有獨特的自潔系統,在蒸發器內部清除灰塵和其他顆粒後,才能成為空氣。CHA MARK 40C RH蒸發器還具有廣泛的安全特性,如可調節的溫度和壓力安全開關,以及緊急關機和報警功能。蒸發器安裝方便,緊湊的設計需要最少的空間。蒸發器高效可靠,設計用於低維護操作。總體而言,Mark 40C-RH蒸發器是工業冷卻和幹燥應用的理想蒸發器,提供可靠的性能和高效的冷卻過程。