二手 LTX-CREDENCE Quartet One #9268099 待售
ID: 9268099
Tester, 8"
192 Channels
Tester type: Mixed signal VLSI test system
2 Sites
Prober type: TEL / TOKYO ELECTRON P-8
Remote operation
Digital DC PMU:
PMU Per 8-digital pins
Measure voltage range / Accuracy:
Range: -2.5 V % 7.5 V
No resolution
Accuracy: ± 9.76 mV
Force voltage and measure current:
Range / Accuracy
100 nA / - / ±500 pA
1 µA / - / ±2.5 nA
10 µA / - / ±25 nA
100 µA / - / ±250 nA
1 mA / - / ±2.5 µA
25 mA / - / ±50 µA
100 mA / 0.061% of Range / ±500µA
Force voltage mode:
Range / Accuracy
-2.5 V % 7.5 V / 2.54 mV
Force current and measure voltage:
Range / Resolution / Accuracy
100 nA / - / ±15 nA
1µA / - / ±150 nA
10 µA / - / ±1.5 µA
100 µA / - / ±15 mA
25 mA / - / ±150 µA
100 mA / 0.508% of Range / ±2.5 A
(4) Supplies
Voltage supplies:
Vmax / ImaxAccuracy
7.5 V / 4 A / -
15 V / 2 A / -
30 V / 1 A / ± (0.055% of value + 0.07% of FS)
Current supplies:
Vmax / Imax
200 mA / 30 V
Current limit:
Range / Resolution / Accuracy
200 mA / - / -
20 mA / - / ±(0.11% of value +
2 mA / - / 0.1 µA/V + 0.06% of range + 2µA)
Digital timing and pattern generation:
Data rate:
200 MHz Data I/O
400 MHz Data NRZ output mode
(16) Sets of (10) edges per pin
Selection (Normal mode): (4) Bits per 128 pins
Alternate mode: (4) Bits per pin, selectable from pins own pattern data
Cycle length timing sets: (16) Sets per 128 pins
Cycle time period:
Minimum / Maximum / Resolution
10nSec / 327.6µSec / 62.5pSec
(10) Edges per pin
Programming res: 60ps
Placement accuracy: ±175ps
Inhibit edge placement accuracy: ±175ps
Accuracy: ±175ps
Broadside pattern depth: (4) Bits per I/O pin by 8, 15, 32 or 64 M rows
128 Pins: 64M
(2) 32M
(4) 16M
(8) 8M
128 Pins: 128M
(2) 64M
(4) 32M
(8) 16M
Digital pin driver:
Range / Resolution / Accuracy
-2.5 V % 7.5 V / 2.54 mV / ±10 mV
Programming sources: (4) Pairs of rails
Driver current limit: ±100 mA Maximum
Dynamic source impedance: 50Ω programmable
5V Pulse rise / Fall time: <1.05 ns ± 20%
3V Pulse rise / Fall time: <1.05 ns ± 20%
Width / Edge separation: 2.5 ns at 3V step
guaranteed edge placement: 3.5 ns at 3 V step
On, 5V step: 2.25 ns maximum
Driver formats: Pulse 1, DDE, Alternate F
Inhibit formats: Alternate
Digital pin comparator:
Comparator modes: Latched double strobe
Range / Resolution / Accuracy
-2.3 V % 7.3V / 2.44 mV / ±25 mV
Compare level programming: Independent, high & low setting per pin
Comparator overdrive: 50 mV (Typ 20 mV)
Overdrive sensitivity: 75ps/V maximum
Threshold level sensitivity: 50ps/V maximum
Overall system response bandwidth: 600 MHz at -3 dB typical
Pulse width: 2.5 ns
Pulse width: 1.5 ns
Achievable window width: 1 ns
Window separation: 5.0 ns, 3.5 ns Typical
Comparator formats: Tristate, ALT, compare, FI_Sele, FI_Partner
Active loads:
Types: Pull-ups, Pull-down
Pull-up (source) current:0 % - 25 mA
Pull-up voltage: -2.5 V %1.5 V
Pull-down (sink) current: 0 % 25 mA
Pull-down voltage: +2.0 V % 7.5 V
Programming resolution: 1µA, 10 mV
Programmable voltage compliance clamps V-high (Pull-up):
Range / Resolution / Accuracy
0V % 7.5V / 2.54 mV / +800 mV / -100 mV
Accuracy: 25 mA/pin or 100 mA / Pin card
Programmable voltage compliance clamps V-low (pull-down)
Range / Resolution / Accuracy
-2.5V % 5.0V / 2.54 mV / +100 mV/-800 mV
Accuracy: 25 mA / pin or 100 mA / pin card
Achievable continuous current: 200 mA / Pin card
Settling time: 4 ms / maximum
Pin electronic interface:
I/O Channel capacitance: 53pF ± 2.5pF
I/O Channel lumped capacitance: 7.5pF ± 1.5pF
Dynamic input resistance: 2.5 M minimum
I/O Path channel noise: 40 mV p-p maximum
Dut power interface:
(10) Power supplies
Connections: (4) Wires, kelvin sensed
Power supply interface: 6 A
CPU Memory size: 130604 KB
Large Vector Memory (LVM): 8M
Subroutine Vector Memory (SVM): 1000
Within test program
Data collection:
No invantest (Former KLA-TENCOR)
Debug tools:
LTX-CREDENCE Quartet One是一種「最終測試」設備,旨在驗證先前的測試,並確保產品在進入市場之前經過徹底和適當的測試。該系統由四個獨立的組件組成,這些組件衡量產品功能的四個關鍵領域。第一個組件是高功率測試,它旨在評估產品的電功率並驗證其是否滿足所需的交流/直流電壓和電流。第二個組件是信號完整性測試,用於評估產品的信號完整性及其發送和接收預期信號的能力。第三個組成部分是功率分析測試,它確定功耗和電阻、電容、電感等其他與功率相關的值。最後,第四個組件是EMC測試,它測量產品的電磁兼容性並驗證是否符合法規要求。Quartet One單元有一個內置的數據記錄器,可以方便地跟蹤和監測測試數據,機器還包括一個綜合安全工具,防止不當使用資產。該型號還配備了廣泛的測試探頭等配件,便於設置和測試。LTX-CREDENCE Quartet One設備還能夠執行各種級別的測試,其復雜性取決於所測試的產品。每個測試都包含一個自動摘要報告,其中包含整個測試過程的詳細結果。總而言之,Quartet One系統是一個全面可靠的「最終測試」解決方案,它提供了對產品功能的全面評估,並驗證了是否符合要求的標準和法規。該單元使用方便,設計經濟高效,可靠性高。