二手 APPLIED BIOSYSTEMS 3730XL #9212613 待售


ID: 9212613
DNA Analyzer Capacity: (16) Sample plates (96-well / 384-well) Compatible polymers: POP Conformational analysis polymer, POP-7 Computer and flat panel monitor Format: 384-well plate 96-well plate High throughput compatibile Memory: 1 GB RAM: 400 MHz (96) Capillaries Operating environment: Humidity: 20%-80% (Non-condensing) Temperature: 18°C-30°C Operating system: Microsoft windows 7 Optics: Backside-thinned CCD for maximum optical sensitivity In-capillary detection by dual-side illumination Multiple filter sets: Z, E, G5, G5-RCT, Any 4dyeset, Any 5dyeset. Performance: Fast sequence: 50cm - 700 QV20 bases/1 hour Long sequence: 50cm - 850 QV20 bases/2 hours Rapid sequence: 36cm - 550 QV20 bases/36 min Std sequence: 36cm - 700 QV20 bases/1 hour XLR Sequence: 50cm - 900 QV20 bases/3 hours Plate handling: Integrated auto sampler and plate stacker Internal bar code reader Plate seal: Automatic on-board piercing (Septa / Polypropylene heat seal) Polymer consumption: 36 cm: 200µl/run 50 cm: 250µl/run Power requirements: Current: 15 amps maximum requires 30 amp receptacle with in 3 m (10 ft) Power dissipated: 2000 Watts Voltage: 200-220 V / 230-240 V ±10% Read length: 400 - 900 bases (Varies depending on run module) Reagent Handling: Increased throughput: Automated polymer replenishment pump On-board reagents: Up to 48 hrs unattended operation (With certain run modules) Run modules: (5) Sequences Fragment analysis Sample volume: 10-50 µL for 96-well plate 5-30 µL for 384-well plate Temperature range (Metric): Temperature-controlled oven (18-70°C range) and detection cell heater Throughput: Fast sequence: 2304 Samples/day (1600 Kbases) Long sequence: 1152 Samples/day (980 Kbases) Rapid sequence: 3840 Samples per day (2100 Kbases) Std sequence: 2304 Samples/day (1550 Kbases) XLR Sequence: 768 Samples per day (690 Kbases).
APPLICED BIOSYSTEMS 3730XL是一種自動毛細管電泳平臺,廣泛應用於生物鑒別實驗室。這種裝置能夠分離和分離復雜樣品中的成分,可用於多種應用,包括聚合酶鏈反應(PCR)、測序、基因分型和法醫分析。這個平臺值得註意的特點包括96毛細管陣列,完全包含樣品加載,最多8個獨立運行。應用生物系統3730 XL具有高分辨率的Peltier控制毛細管陣列,能夠精確分離復雜樣品中的組件。此陣列由96個毛細管組成,這些毛細管配置為4個部分,每部分24個通道。每個部分都可以獨立運行或組合運行,以同時運行整個陣列。每個毛細管的尺寸為50 μ m x 250 cm。總采樣量可小至50 μ L,這對於分析少量采樣量是最佳的。總的來說,這個自動化系統提供高速、高分辨率的電泳分離,允許最佳分辨率和提高靈敏度。在3730XL的前面板上,用戶將找到顏色編碼的LED指示燈、鍵盤和背光字母數字顯示器,以實現精確的操作控制。這包括一系列設置,以方便和精確地根據用戶的需求調整參數,如丙烯酰胺濃度、電場強度和環路尺寸。該機還包括一個集成電極面板,以確保均勻的電場形成。3730 XL的樣品加載是完全自動化的,以減少用戶勞動和樣品汙染的可能性。該平臺采用半自動樣品加載系統,由96毛細管陣列和96通道樣品緩沖輥組成。一個機器人流動單元沿著96毛細管陣列移動樣品緩沖器,將所需的樣品泵入每個毛細管。該系統還配備了先進的光學探測器,用於樣品元件的自動檢測,從而產生精確的測量和分析。總體而言,APPLIED BIOSYSTEMS 3730XL是一個高級、高精度的平臺,用於對復雜樣品進行自動化分析。它為用戶提供了廣泛的特性和應用,從PCR、測序、基因分型到法醫分析。該機器的96毛細管陣列、自動樣品加載和獨立運行使其成為生物識別實驗室的理想工具。