二手 METTLER TOLEDO AB 104-S #9086656 待售
ID: 9086656
Analytical balance
Single button piece counting, taring, weighing, calibration
Toggle between two weigh units
Units include gram, milligram, ounce, troy ounce, pennyweight, carat, momme, Mesghal, Singapore tael, Hong Kong tael, Taiwan tael
MonoBlock technology
Stability detector indicates stable reading
FACT (Fully Automatic Calibration Technology)
Automatically calibrates balances 24 hours a day using internal calibration weights
When sensors detect ambient fluctuations of ±1.5°C (±2.7°F) balance immediately calibrates itself
Built-in RS-232-C interface operates bi-directionally at all standard transfer rates from 110 to 9600 bps
Able to connect to a variety of computers, printers, and other peripherals
Liquid crystal display
Sealed keypad
All-metal upper and lower housing
Readability: 0.1mg
Weighing range:0 to 101g
Taring range (by subtraction): 0 to 101g
Repeatability: 0.1mg
Linearity: ±0.2mg
Stabilization time, normal setting: 2.5 seconds
Pan size: 8cm.
METTLER TOLEDO AB 104-S是一個實驗室外部浴室,利用一個潛式耐熱溫度計和一個可調節的溫度調節器進行精確的溫度控制。它有一個由不銹鋼制成的儲罐,令人印象深刻的容量為7.5升,用於大型實驗。浴池還包括一個可以方便讀取溫度的數字顯示屏,以及一個計算實驗持續時間的計時器。它還具有強大的循環泵,在廣泛的應用中為高溫均勻性產生湍流。這種實驗室設備功能強大,能夠處理多項工作,對實驗室工作既必要又有益。這種外浴的溫度範圍從環境5°C到+100 °C,非常適合精確的實驗室實驗。工作溫度設計不超過+99°C,以防止內部部件意外損壞。AB 104-S還設計用於為操作員提供多種安全功能,如加熱器指示燈、頂點溫度調節器和集成的過溫限制器。浴室還包括一個超寬的圓柱形浴套,方便和保護元素。此外部浴池的性能和安全性在運輸前要經過徹底檢查,以利於最終用戶。為了保持和保持最佳狀態,定期清潔和維護是必要的.消費者也要記住安裝漏土斷路器等安全裝置。METTLER TOLEDO AB 104-S提供準確的結果和優異的性能,使其成為精確實驗室實驗的絕佳選擇。它易於安裝和操作。AB 104-S具有各種特點,是安全可靠的實驗室實驗的理想實驗室外部浴池。