二手 MICROMERITICS Autopore IV 9500 #9068596 待售


ID: 9068596
優質的: 2004
Porosimeter Measures: Total pore volume Pore size distribution Bulk / Skeletal density Relative porosity Fluid transport characteristics Measurement range: 0.003 - 360um (2) Low pressure ports (1) High pressure port Accessories: (2) Penetrometer for solid materials (2) Penetrometers for powders Specifications: Low pressure: Measurement: 0 to 50 psia (345 kPa) Resolution: 0.01 psi (69 Pa) Pore diameter: 360 to 3.6 μm Transducer accuracy: ±1 % of full scale High pressure: Measurement for model 9500 / 9505 Atmospheric pressure to 33000 psia (228 MPa) Resolution for model 9505 / 9500: 0.2 psi (1400 Pa) from 3000 psia (21 MPa) to 33000 psia (228 MPa) 0.1 psi (689 Pa) from atmospheric pressure to 3000 psia (21 MPa) Pore diameter for model 9505 / 9500: 6 to 0.005 μm Transducer accuracy: ±1 % of full scale Intrusion: Resolution: Better than 0.1 μL Accuracy: ±1 % of maximum penetrometer stem volume Penetrometers: Capillary stem intrusion Volumes: 0.38, 1.1, 1.7,3.1, 3.9 cm3 Sample size: Maximum: 2.5 cm diameter by 2.5 cm long Gas: Nitrogen / Other clean Dry gas at 50 psig (345 kPa) Computer hardware / Software: Pentium 333 MHz (1) CD ROM Drive RAM: 64 MB Hard drive: 1 GB Video display capability Operating system: Windows NT(V4.00) Voltage: 100 / 120 / 220 / 240 VAC ± 10% Frequency: 50 / 60 Hz Power: 600 VA Maximum Includes: PC Software CD Manual 2004 vintage.
MICROMERTICS Autopore IV 9500是為快速分析各種固體的粒徑分布和孔徑而設計的尖端實驗室儀器。該儀器由一個完全集成的取樣系統、分析系統和軟件組成,可實現全自動操作。Autopore IV 9500利用獨特的壓力平衡杯配置毛細管盤收集顆粒樣品。該系統旨在精確測量各種固體的孔徑和粒徑分布,如碳酸鹽、矽酸鹽和沸石。此外,MICROMERTICS Autopore IV 9500還包括幾種分析工具,如滴定器、光學閱讀器和重量分離器,可對樣品進行精確分析。Autopore IV 9500具有一系列特性,允許它用於表面積和孔徑分析等各種應用。該儀器用途廣泛,非常適合用於各種研究、行業和學術實驗室。MICROMERITICS Autopore IV 9500是為了最大的方便和安全而設計的。所有操作都是完全自動化的,因此可以輕松高效地進行分析。此外,該儀器還具有用戶友好的界面,具有直觀的導航功能,可在實驗之間過渡。軟件易於調整,可用於自定義用戶參數,生成精確準確的結果。Autopore IV 9500是一種高度先進和可靠的儀器,能夠在廣泛的應用中提供準確和精確的分析。由於其強大的設計和卓越的性能,MICROMERITICS Autopore IV 9500已成為全球領先的實驗室選擇。