二手 OMEGA ENGINEERING CT485B-110V #9036337 待售
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ID: 9036337
Temperature and humidity chart recorder
Measurement Inputs: Temperature and humidity, with plug-in sensor
0.02 to 1.20 Volts DC signal with voltage input adaptor
Temperature Range: -17 to 49°Celsius
Temperature Accuracy: ±1°Celsius
Sensor: Solid state
Response Time: 5 minutes for 63% step change
Display Resolution: 1°C/°F
Humidity Range: 2 to 98% RH
Humidity Accuracy: ±3% @ 25°C (77ºF), between 20 and 90% of range [(±5% below 20% and above 90% @ 25°C (77ºF)]
Resistive Polymer: not recommended for use in corrosive environments
Response Time: 5 minutes for a 30 to 80% step change
Display Resolution: 1% RH
Type: 21/2 digit, 12.7 mm (0.5"), backlit LCD; low-battery indicator
Display Modes: Front-panel switchable between °C, °F and %RH for continuous digital display; max/min storage for both temperature and humidity; flashing to indicate alarm condition
Type: Microprocessor-controlled and linearized high- and low-peak hold for both temperature and humidity; re-initializes position at every chart change
Chart Type: 8"; circular, linear; radial divisions; double sided; 1, 7 and 32 days; °C and °F scales
Type: Stepper motor
Ranges: 1, 7 and 32 day; selectable
Accuracy: 1% of rotation
Chart Hold-Down: Magnetic hub lock
Recording Pens
Type: Disposable fiber tip; red for temperature, blue for humidity
Pen Drives
Type: Motorized linear screw drive
Deadband: 1°F, 1% RH
Zero: Automatic during chart change or power interruption
Penlift: Automatic on door opening; pens are door mounted and swing clear of the chart when door opens
Pen Arms: Clear plastic to allow full chart viewing
Remote 2m extension cable
AC adapter
Stack of blank charts.
OMEGA ENGINEERING CT485B-110V是為實驗室應用而設計的高效、低型溫度控制器。該控制器采用雙線背光液晶顯示屏,操作方便,可設置和監控溫度。它具有-55°C至+125°C (-67°F至+257°F)的有用範圍,並附有可編程的安全窗口以增加保護。這種溫度控制器可以在幾種應用中使用,例如在熱處理過程中控制塑料和聚合物的溫度。歐米茄CT485B-110V具有堅固的結構,具有堅固的316不銹鋼NEMA 4X外殼,旨在抵禦腐蝕性環境。它的可調傳感器輸入允許特定溫度被精確測量和精確控制。此溫度控制器利用比例積分導數(PID)控制算法將溫度維持在用戶可編程的設定點範圍內,分辨率為0.1°C或0.1°F。這種溫度控制器進一步設計有電子輸出,以產生信號和控制裝置,如加熱器或冷卻器。Omega OMEGA ENGINEERING CT485B-110V具有可調模糊邏輯(FLL)控制設置和易於設置的菜單系統。該溫度控制器在整個工作範圍內具有± 0.2°C的高精度和0.01 °C的高分辨率。此外,Omega CT485B-110V還具有USB和RS 232通信端口以及電池備份的實時時鐘(RTC)。RTC的計時器特性允許對諸如溫度測試的開始和結束時間等事件進行精確的計時。Omega OMEGA ENGINEERING CT485B-110V溫度控制器具有可靠性,並提供兩年保修。它也符合CE、CSA和UL的安全要求。Omega CT485B-110V溫度控制器具有先進的特點、堅固的結構和易用性,是實驗室應用的可靠且經濟實惠的選擇。