二手 EPILOG LASER Legend 36EXT #9130862 待售


ID: 9130862
Laser engraving / cutting / marking system Work area: 36" x 24" Wattage: 60-watt Maximum material thickness: 12" (305 mm) Maximum material thickness with table revmoved: 14" (355 mm) Laser Wattage: 30, 40, 50, 60, 75 or 120 watts Laser Source: state-of-the-art, digitally controlled, air-cooled CO2 laser tubes are fully modular, permanently aligned and field replaceable Intelligent Memory Buffer: store unlimited files up to 64 MB, rolling buffer allows files of any size to be engraved Permanent Job Save at the laser: store up to 10 jobs at the laser, each up to 2 MB in size Air Assist Laser Dashboard Red Dot Pointer Relocatable Home Operating Modes: optimized raster, vector or combined modes with engraving and cutting Motion control system: high-speed, continuous-loop, DC brushless servomotors using linear and rotary encoder technology X-Axis bearings: ground and polished stainless steel long-lasting bearings Print Interface: 10 base-T Ethernet or USB connection that compatible with Windows XP/Vista/7 Electrical Requirements: auto-switching power supply accommodates 110 to 240 volts, 50 or 60 Hz, single phase, 15 amp AC Super-silent cooling fans: 64 db (not available in 120 watt). Ventilation: External exhaust to the outside or internal filtration system required. There are two output ports, each 6" in diameter Laser system classification: Class 2 Laser Product, 1 mW CW maximum 600-700 nm.
EPILOG LASER TECH EPILOG LASER LEGEND 36EXT是一款激光雕刻切割設備,非常適合職場、內部推廣部門、學校和小企業。它配備了一個36 「x 24」的雕刻和切割區域,以容納更大的材料尺寸。激光系統采用高級激光管技術,其強大的60瓦CO2激光管允許高質量的切割和雕刻。Laser Legend擁有精確的雕刻能力,因為它的紅點指示器能準確地照亮激光將在材料上發射的位置。這種激光器能夠在很長一段時間內進行精確、錯綜復雜的切割,允許各種材料的復雜設計,如木材、丙烯酸、碳纖維、玻璃等等。其分辨率為0.001英寸(25.4微米),具有可調的速度和功率。它能夠最大限度地減少材料受熱影響的區域-減少雕刻材料所需的時間-並產生半色調效果。Laser Legend的高科技運動控制單元使用簡單。Laser內置了用於作業的功能,並具有最少的操作員交互功能,允許更簡單的設置和自動作業排隊,以及直觀的預覽模式和作業運行對話。它包括空氣輔助控制清潔邊緣飾面與更少的再切削和更少的毛刺。Intuitive Camera Machine允許用戶準確地看到激光在做什麼。此工具允許在線軸或其他中斷的情況下進行精確的激光放置和程序恢復。它易於操作,具有用戶友好的界面和內置的作業編輯器,可用於快速的作業設置。激光還具有不銹鋼傳輸功能,有助於確保精度。其他特點包括旋轉雕刻附件,允許在圓柱形物體上雕刻。Laser Legend是一種可靠、可靠的資產,提供卓越的性能、精確度和可靠性。它在與奔騰兼容的PC上運行,其板載內存可提供擴展容量,並可通過增加硬盤驅動器或緊湊型閃存卡進行擴展。此外,它的模塊化設計提供了方便的服務,最大限度地減少了停機時間。其耐用的設計也保證了操作的安全。憑借其靈活性,此模型可以處理隨之而來的任何工作。