二手 ROFIN SINAR Powerline 50D #169837 待售

ID: 169837
(1) Unit had a laser diode replaced with a 100 W diode
Laser type D: diode-pumped Nd: YAG, 1064 nm wavelength
Average output power D: 50 watts or 100 watts
Pulse Frequency: programmable, 0 to 65 kHz multimode
Facilities Requirements:
Electrical: 208 VAC (±10%), 50/60 Hz, 3 P/PE, or 400 VAC (±10%), 50/60 Hz, 3 P/N/PE
Power: 5kW max
Cooling: standard air cooled system require ambient temperature of 5°C30°C (41°F86°F)
Require no cooling water
Marking head:
Beam motion: Galvanometer deflection system
Focusing optics: precision flat-field lens
Marking field size: 120 x 120 mm
Focal length: 160 mm
Control systems:
Processor: Pentium class
Memory: 128 MB RAM
Program storage: 10 GB hard disk
Host communication
Keyboard w/ VGA monitor and mouse
Interface for control of laser, galvo and machine functions
Visual Laser Marker software
Visual Laser Marker for Windows 2000
Graphical user interface (GUI)
Simultaneous image input and job execution
Image editor with graphics display
Laser parameter library for different materials
Job editor with batch administration, express jobs and priority control
Job-, type-, or machine-oriented serial number administration
PLC integration for handling tasks and external job control
Conversion facility for common CAD and graphic programs
Laser status monitoring, display of system errors, and log book
Editors for logo and font generation
Variables and text groups
True Type fonts integrated
Processing of part programs.
ROFIN SINAR Powerline 50D是一種具有50W功率輸出的高功率直接二極管激光器(DDL)。這種激光器以其穩定性、可靠性和優異的切割性能而聞名,成為切割和焊接專業人士的熱門選擇。電力線50D配備了Rofin的數字信號處理器(DSP),提供精確快速的激光控制。激光系統配有以太網和串行接口以及多種控制功能,使其適用於精密焊接、金屬切割等多種應用。該系統還提供精確的波束控制、靈活的編程和快速的響應時間,並且可以通過直觀的用戶界面操作。它的直接接觸冷卻系統(DC2S)的實施確保了激光的有效和精確的波長,允許金屬零件的精確切割和焊接。該DC2S還提高了激光的壽命,並能夠精確控制脈沖持續時間、脈沖能量和光斑大小。ROFIN SINAR Powerline 50D還配備了一系列安全選項,包括集成式安全眼鏡、光束限位開關和安全聯鎖,用於安全操作。電力線50D設計用於最小停機時間。激光提供了廣泛的可靠性和性能特點,包括壽命長、功率穩定性高、光學損耗超低。此外,激光在切割和焊接應用中提供了非凡的性能,而且所需的維護最少。最後,ROFIN SINAR Powerline 50D是一種可靠且易於使用的激光器,既能滿足經驗豐富的專業人士也能滿足新手專業人士的需求。Powerline 50D具有高功率輸出、精密操作和眾多安全特性,是金屬切割、焊接等應用的絕佳選擇。