二手 MAZAK Integrex 300 III S #9178929 待售


ID: 9178929
優質的: 2004
CNC Lathe system (5) Axes Maximum swing: 33.5" Maximum swing using Y-axis: 26"-33.5" Maximum swing over cross slide: 33.5" Maximum cutting diameter (Chucking): 30" Maximum cutting length: 40" Maximum distance between chuck faces: 40 Main spindle (L): Spindle nose: A2-8 Spindle bore: 3.46" Maximum bar work: 3" Dia Spindle speed: 4000 RPM Spindle index (Programmable): .0001° Spindle horsepower (Cont / 30 Min): 30 HP / 35 HP Spindle torque: 442.5 ft / lb Second spindle (R): Spindle nose: A2-8 Spindle bore: 3.46" Maximum bar work (non-thru): 3" Dia Spindle speed: 4000 RPM Spindle index (Programmable): .0001° (C-Axis optional) Spindle horsepower (Cont / 30 Min): 30 HP / 35 HP Spindle torque: 368.8 ft / lb Tool shank height: 1" Tool size (Boring bar max diameter): 1.5" Magazine capacity: (40) Tools Tool to tool time: 1.3 Sec Maximum tool diameter with all pockets full: 3.54" Maximum tool diameter with adjacent pockets empty: 4.92" Rotary tool spindle speed: 12000 RPM Rotary tool spindle horsepower (20%ED): 24.8 HP Rotary tool torque (20%ED): 88.5 ft / lb Y-Axis travel: +/- 4.53" X-Axis travel: 24.8" Z-Axis travel: 42.4" Second headstock W-Axis: 40.24" Y-Axis rapid rate: 1023 IPM X-Axis rapid rate: 1496 IPM Z-Axis rapid rate: 1496 IPM Second headstock W-Axis rapid rate: 1181 IPM C-Axis: 400 RPM B-Axis: 10 RPM Mazatrol fusion 640MT Pro CNC controller (2) Hydraulic chucks for main and sub, 10" Part probe (Prep) Floppy disc drive: RS-232 C / 3.5" PCMCIA I/F (2) Slots Card bus Network interface: LAN & MODEM Coolant thru milling head Thru / Flood coolant: 213 PSI C-Axis: .0001° (1st Spindle) C-Axis: .0001° (2nd Spindle) (40) Tools B-Axis: .0001° Side chip conveyor Automatic tool eye Automatic chuck jaws open / close (1&2 Spindle) Chuck open / close confirm (1&2 Spindle) Chuck air blast (1st Spindle) (40) Tool holders 2004 vintage.
MAZAK Integrex 300 III S是一種多功能機床,設計用於在單個設置中加工復雜零件。它能夠在單個機器平臺上同時進行2軸車削、3軸銑削和y軸車削操作。這樣可以高效生產高精度的大型復雜零件。Integrex 300 III S配備了一個36英寸的3顎卡盤,用於車削操作,一個用於快速零件更換的24工具彈匣,以及一個自動工具補償器。它還具有用於銑削操作的12位轉塔、60軸刀具更換器、自動模具系統以及用於輕松設置主軸軸的主軸設置機構。12位炮塔可容納各種組合工具,用於高效加工。機器裝有兩個最大轉速為4500 rpm的大功率主軸,確保精確切割和快速生產周期。它配有一個冷卻液罐,可配置多達8個壓區,提供高壓冷卻液輸送,以獲得更好的表面光潔度和減少加工時間。該機還有一個激光刀具設定器,用於提供精確的刀具測量。MAZAK Integrex 300 III S具有重型鑄鐵結構,為高效加工提供了出色的剛度、振動吸收和散熱。該機配有FANUC 30i-B CNC控制,易於編程和操作.該控件提供直觀的界面、快速編程和對多種語言的支持。Integrex 300 III S是一款可靠多用途的機床,專為高效、精確地生產復雜零件而設計。它配備了一系列功能,以確保高質量的輸出和最短的生產時間。