二手 PENSOTTI VTL T524 #83740 待售

VTL T524
ID: 83740
優質的: 1986
Swing, 65" (1650mm) Table Dia.: 1250mm Max Turning Dia. with vertical head: 1650mm Max Turning Dia. with side head: 1500mm Max Turning Height with vertical head: 1100mm Max Distance between table/Turret Lower Face of side head: 720mm Vertical stroke of vertical ram slide: 1000mm Horizontal stroke of side head slide: 650mm Stepless table rotation speed in 2 ranges: RPM 3, 1-315 Vertical/Horizontal feeds of heads (Decades Setting): MMPR 0,01-9,99 Slow Motion to heads (Selective Setting): MMPR 1-1000 Rapid Traverse to heads: MMPR 8000 Max workpiece weight at average high speed: Kg 6500 Max Cutting force for each head: N 50,000 Max Tool Section: mm 40 x 40 Min Turning Dia: mm 345 Main DC Motor: Kw 45 Voltage: V 440 / Hz 60 Electrical switchgear for auxiliary controls: V 110 It has Heidenhien scales, and a NUM 1060 CNC control. The machine was used mostly for threading and finish work. It also has a complete enclosure, coolant system for both the ram and the side head, and a fitted conveyor for discharge at the right rear of the machine Retrofitted with a new control in 1997 1986 vintage.
PENSOTTI VTL T524是一個CNC垂直轉向中心,具有高精度旋轉臺,由電動直驅設備驅動。該機采用實心鑄鐵和封閉式底座,可提供最佳支撐和剛度。這種穩定性使機器能夠為大批量生產提供準確和可重復的結果。5軸控制系統與直接驅動旋轉表相結合,可在單個設置中執行多個進程時提供更高的精度和更快的周期時間。X、Y和Z軸由具有線性導線的高扭矩直接驅動單元驅動,以實現精度和精度。此外,還可以添加高級特征(如附加的第八軸或第十軸運動),以實現無限制的五軸加工功能。該機還具有靜水主軸、強大的工作固定機和低摩擦直線導軌,提高了切削能力,縮短了加工時間。其高達10,000 RPM的主軸轉速範圍也提供快速零件轉動。VTL T524提供卓越的熱穩定性和減振功能,以及出色的芯片控制.這使機器能夠在輕型到中型材料的高速轉彎方面表現出色。此外,冷卻劑密封結構防止芯片、灰塵和碎屑進入機器。PENSOTTI VTL T524還提供了一系列全面的文檔。本文檔包括安裝說明、操作員手冊、示意圖、維護說明、編程說明等。這使用戶能夠快速、輕松地設置和操作機器,並對其進行維護以獲得最佳性能。VTL T524提供卓越的精度、速度和性能,是高精度生產操作的理想選擇。這種尖端的機床為任何競爭激烈的制造環境提供了先進功能和可靠性的完美結合。