二手 GSI LUMONICS SigmaClean #9279469 待售
ID: 9279469
晶圓大小: 5"-8"
Laser marking system, 5"-8"
Laser flow cell
Laser diodes
Robot and aligner
Mark point exhaust option
Sigma 100 Acousto-optic Q-switched
YLF Diode-pumped laser
Internal water cooled laser
Closed-loop power stabilization for consistent laser power output
Dot matrix super softMark
Fonts: SEMI OCR, BC412, and dot matrix formats
(3) Cassettes load stations
Cassette to Cassette operation
Digital sigma clean operator and maintenance manuals
SECS II/GEM Interface
Interactive operator workstation
With monitor and keyboard for marking control
Display of system status and fault conditions
Fonts: SEMI OCR, BC412, and other dot matrix formats
Optical alignment over entire wafer size range
With no hardware conversion
Flat field focusing lens
Throughput: Up to 240 Wph
Dot diameter: Debris free
Dot roundness: 78 µm ± 10 µm
Dot depth: Major minor axis ratio less than 1.1
Throughput: 2.6 µm ± 0.4 µm
Single pulse, 5 x 9 (10 x 18) dot matrix, 18 characters: 240 wafers / hour
Process particle density mean: 170 wafers / hour
Minimum character size for debris:
<0.02 per cm² with mark contained
Cylindrical band: 5 mm
1.1 mm high x 0.55 mm wide
2.2 mm high x 1.1 mm wide
Single density: 5 x 9
Double density: 10 x 18
2.2 mm high x 1.1 mm width
Dot diameter: Debris free
Dot roundness: 78 µm ± 10 µm
Dot depth: Major minor axis ratio less than 1.2
Throughput: 5.5 µm ± 0.7 µm
Single pulse, 5 x 9 (10 x 18) dot matrix, 18 characters: 170 wafers / hour
Process particle density mean: 130 wafers / hour
Minimum character size for debris:
<0.02 per cm² with mark contained
Cylindrical band: 5 mm
1.1 mm high x 0.55 mm wide
2.2 mm high x 1.1 mm wide
Single density: 5 x 9
Double density: 10 x 18
2.2 mm high x 1.1 mm width
Power supply: 220 V, 50/60 Hz, Single phase
Vacuum: 63.5-76.2 (25-30") Hg at (2) SCFM
Exhaust: 52 mm (2") diameter port.
GSI LUMONICS SigmaClean是一款功能強大的激光標記機,旨在為各種材料的刻印和編碼提供工業級的解決方案。這種標記機非常適合航空航天、汽車、電子、醫療設備和工業應用。GSI LUMONICS SIGMA CLEAN是一種4類CO2激光系統,提供卓越的性能和準確性,同時提供幹凈而吸引人的標誌。這臺標記機是為一系列材料設計的,包括但不限於鋁、銅、黃銅和不銹鋼。此外,它還可用於在塑料、塗料和其他材料上進行標記和雕刻。這款激光雕刻機具有一系列強大的功能和用戶友好的軟件解決方案,使其成為各種制造應用的最佳選擇之一。這些特性包括多種字體大小、多行厚度、速度控制、可變強度、雕刻深度和可調曝光時間。SigmaClean還擁有LCD顯示屏的直觀用戶界面,可輕松瀏覽其眾多功能。此外,該機具有長期使用的耐用結構,並附有1年期有限保修。為了獲得支持,GSI提供了多種有用的在線資源,包括安裝指南、視頻教程、產品手冊和故障排除提示。對於任何問題或請求,也可使用在線客戶服務。再者,公司應用嚴格的質量控制原則,讓客戶相信自己的零件會被標示和編碼出最高的質量。SIGMA CLEAN是一款現代化可靠的評分機,提供高品位的性能和質量成果。它適用於各種材料,並提供各種用戶友好的功能,從可調曝光時間到多種字體大小不等。憑借直觀的用戶界面和全面的客戶支持選項,它是滿足工業標記要求的可行選項。