二手 EVG / EV GROUP 620 #9157253 待售
ID: 9157253
優質的: 2003
Bond aligner, 6"
Wafer thickness 0.1-4.4 mm with total stack of thickness of 4.5 mm
Semi automatic loading with mechanical prealignment
Quick change of chuck with automatic pressure and vacuum transfer
Alignment accuracy: +/- 1 um with high process objectives
Alignment stage:
Fully motorized X, Y, Theta and Z alignment stage alignment via 3 axis joystick
Automatic wedge compensation with air bearing precision stage
WEC contact force from 1-30 N adjustable, no shift between wafers
DC Motor controllers for cursor key fine alignment
Bottom side microscope, MS241:
Motorized split-field microscopes for alignment in visible light with CCD cameras
Bottom side alignment via digitized alignment keys (mask) or crosshair
Travel range: X: 30-100 mm, Y: +/- 12 mm
CCD Camera (604 x 575 pixels)
(2) 20x Objectives
(2) 10x Objectives for flat and chip alignment:
Minimum distance (optical axis) of 8 mm
Suitable for top or bottom side microscope
Bond tool 20 mm x 20 mm universal (set):
For thermo compression bonding process
Bond chuck with mechanical clamping
Loading chuck
Bond glass
Stainless steel pressure insert included in 4" tooling
Stainless steel pressure disc
Bond tool 70 mm x 70 mm universal (set):
For thermo compression bonding process
Bond chuck with mechanical clamping
Loading chuck
Bond glass
Stainless steel pressure insert included in 4" tooling
Stainless steel pressure disc
Bond tool 4" universal (set):
For anodic and thermo compression bonding process
Bond chuck with mechanical clamping
Loading chuck
Bond glass
With electrode and glass pressure insert
Stainless steel pressure insert for TCB
Separation flags
Stainless steel pressure disc for TCB
Bond tool 6" universal (set):
For anodic and thermo compression bonding process
Bond chuck with mechanical clamping
Loading chuck
Direct wafer clamping
With electrode (glass pressure insert included in 4" tooling)
Separation flags
Stainless steel pressure disco for TCB
Loading chuck 4" for wafer and shadow masks:
For loading and alignment
For autoloading with through holes
Recess for clamps
Remains on EVG 620 shadow mask aligner
Chuck frame 4" for wafer and shadow mask:
For fixing insert
Recess for clamps
Supports the insert to hold the alignment stack
Remains on EVG 620 shadow mask aligner
Shadow mask / wafer holder with 4" clamps:
For clamping substrates
clamps used to carry aligned
Clamped stack to further processing
2003 vintage.
EVG/EV GROUP 620是一款先進的掩碼對齊器,能夠提供更高水平的對齊精度。該機采用先進的成像技術,結合精確控制算法和模塊化平臺,優化性能。通過全自動工藝,掩模對準器可保證高達5微米的高精度,非常適合生產極具挑戰性的設計和後續的光刻步驟。EVG 620提供高分辨率成像系統,能夠拍攝20至6000微米大小的圖像,為各種掩模類型提供精確成像和精確對準。除了精確的成像技術外,機器還帶有用戶友好的功能和功能控制,允許用戶調整其參數,例如曝光時間、照明水平和聚焦位置。為確保部件正確暴露,EV Group 620采用了一個特殊的機動化級,允許在放置基板時具有很高的精度。該機器具有先進的重復對齊功能,有助於確保部件與預期的模式保持一致。此外,該系統還可配備可選的顆粒過濾器,以幫助減少暴露過程中的汙染。為制造和維護口罩對準裝置,該機器擁有可拆卸的噴嘴和電子控制套件,可進入各種模塊。它可以容納各種光刻材料和工藝,確保它與各種基材的兼容性。此外,該機還配備了開放式和封閉式循環工藝選項,這使其成為生產任何尺寸晶片配件的理想選擇。總而言之,620提供了一個先進和可靠的面膜對準器,用於生產極具挑戰性的設計。該機器具有高精度和重復對準功能,可實現精確的成像過程和易於維護。其用戶友好的特點和廣泛的兼容工藝使得它適合任何尺寸的晶圓制造。歸根結底,該機是實現最佳光刻性能的有效解決方案。