二手 TAMARACK 161B #165720 待售

ID: 165720
Printed circuit board exposure system
Semi-automatic machine
Used to provide rapid and precise alignment of large PCB panels
Panel alignment / exposure station
Collimated illuminator
Pneumatic valves
Alignment / exposure station:
Provides the facilities for aligning the P.C.B. panel with respect to the artwork and providing vacuum contact for exposure
Mylar cover frame is hinged toward the rear of the machine to allow raising of the frame for changing the panel and artwork
Collimated illuminator:
Provides a condensed beam of ultra-violet light of uniform intensity for use in exposing the panel
Shutter within the illuminator opens for a preset interval to accomplish the exposure
(2) modes of exposure control are available to operate the shutter: constant time and constant energy
Constant time is set in on the exposure time in seconds
In the constant energy mode, exposure energy in millijoules per centimeter squared (mJ / cm) is set on the exposure energy thumbpot
Light source for the collimated illuminator: high pressure mercury arc lamp mounted in a forced air cooled housing
Housing is designed to contain and withstand lamp explosion
Lamp is positioned near the first focus of an ellipsoidal reflector
(3) Thumbscrews provide the means of moving the lamp along the X, Y, and Z axes in order to obtain the proper lamp position
Ellipsoidal reflector directs the reflected light toward a distant second focus thus avoiding the possibility of lamp damage due to reflection of energy onto critical parts of the lamp
Ultra-violet light from the ellipsoidal reflector is turned twice to reach a second focus located at the lenticular integrator
Dichroic mirrors which turn the ultra-violet light pass most visible light and infra-red energy which are thus dissipated as heat within the lamp house and exhausted out of the system
Lenticular integrator, located at the second focus of the ellipsoidal reflector, collects the ultra-violet energy and directs it toward the collimating mirror in such a manner as to approximate a point source of light
Mirror collimates the light from the integrator so as to form a beam of light exhibiting uniform intensity over its beam width
Shutter which controls panel exposure is located just ahead of the lenticular integrator
An associated panel switch provides the means of holding this shutter open for the purpose of lamp intensity and focus adjustments or placing it under the control of the digital timer or integrating exposure controller during panel exposure
Panel size: 19" x 25"
Pneumatic panel:
Located inside the machine above the side control panel
Panel supplies air pressure and vacuum to all air operated systems through the machine
Solenoid valves are operated on 24V DC and controlled from the sequencer and pushbuttons
Control of the 161B is accomplished by a Mitsubishi programmable controller located on the pneumatic panel
Manual switch panel is also mounted on the pneumatic panel
Side control panel:
Used to start and stop all functions of the machine
Main power contactor enable
Lamp ignitor
Lamp exhaust temperature, alarm and lamp meter (resettable)
Machine control power
Front control panel:
Timer and integrating exposure control switch are used to pick the mode of exposure
If the machine is used in the time mode, the exposure time in seconds must be set
When constant exposure energy is required, the IEC will measure the quantity of energy at the panel / exposure plane and control the shutter to maintain the same exposure energy independent of light intensity
Contains a light table to aid alignment of the artwork to the substrate
The start cycle switches must be actuated simultaneously to begin print drawer movement
Top and bottom vacuum switches, gauges, emergency off switch and final cycle switches are also on the bullnose.
TAMARACK 161B是一種先進的口罩生成和生產設備,旨在快速生產具有出色分辨率的高質量口罩。該系統能夠生產各種不同類型的掩碼,從基本設備到3D立體光刻掩碼。161B使用最新技術,能夠生成層定義文件,這些文件用於創建掩碼所需的物理層。該裝置采用了強大的光學對準機器,可實現簡單高效的掩模生成,並采用先進的成像算法實現最佳對準和掩模質量。該工具還采用了最先進的電子束光刻資產,以提高分辨率和生產速度。TAMARACK 161B專為快速吞吐量和易於操作而設計,非常適合所有類型的掩模制造應用。與現有的口罩生產系統相比,該模型具有幾個關鍵優勢,包括提高成像精度和速度、精確對準和配準多層、降低材料成本以及支持多級口罩生產。通過強大的設計和集成功能,161B能夠滿足各行業設備制造商的需求。該設備能夠執行各種任務,如攝影、平版印刷和各級電路成像。此外,通過包括CAD(計算機輔助設計)設施,該系統提供了全自動的掩碼生成過程,從而更容易開發復雜的電路和體系結構。TAMARACK 161 B的集成圖像數據管理單元允許用戶輕松準確地存儲和檢索設計。該機器還能夠合並故障分析、測試測量和過程集成等附加功能。為了跟上口罩制作技術的最新進展,161B定期收到升級和更新。為客戶提供軟件更新、定期維護和訪問專用的客戶服務,讓您輕松體驗。TAMARACK 161B是一種可靠、高效且具有成本效益的口罩生產和生產工具,是滿足所有口罩生產需求的理想資產。