二手 LEICA / VISTEC LDS 3300M #9059146 待售


ID: 9059146
優質的: 2007
Automated macro-defect inspection system Includes: Macro inspection Auto-alignment: Die-based, wafer-based Defect library Pixel detection Alignment control Color shift and histogram deviation Global color detection ROI Editor Loader module: (2) Cassette system in SMIF or open cassette version Wafer existence sensor Cross slot detection Contact-free pre-alignment Macro module: High precision integrated X/Y Stage Brightfield/Darkfield/Advanced darkfield illumination system Illumination high speed strobe Inspection area of dies, including partial dies Macro ADC Optical components BF and DF imaging LDS System operation Image capturing Specifications: Throughput, 12": Full die, full wafer, 130 wph Recipe creation and maintenance: Fast and easy recipe creation and maintenance (<20 min) Worldwide fab application experience Edge/bevel inspection Backside inspection with color imaging Chip-free area/partial die inspection and review Process Control: High resolution spotcheck (Reticle ID check, fuse inspection, overlay check) Litho alignment mark verification (lower contrast layer inspection capability) EBR width and shift measurement Parallel inspection and review Defocus detection (3) Load ports options to maximize tool utilization Parallel process job execution Full wafer color imaging Merged trench defect inspection for DRAM Advanced algorithms: Tunable sensitivity from wafer center to wafer edge (low false count) Color defect detection algorithm (low false count) Global wafer detect detection Currently installed 2007 vintage.
LEICA/VISTEC LDS 3300M掩模和晶片檢測設備是一種全自動檢測和測量照片掩模和半導體晶片的設備。該系統包括兩個主要組件-一個opto機械部件和一個軟件模塊。光機部件采用LEICA專有的浸入式光學器件制造。這為單元提供了明亮均勻的照明和高分辨率成像。該機的光學特性包括遠程中心工廠校準透鏡、自動重新聚焦、圖像捕捉和可配置的色差補償。該工具還包括具有防撞技術的高精度4軸級。這允許對齊和檢查高精度和可重復性的大幅面晶片或長方形堆疊多級母版。軟件模塊包括一個基於物理的圖像處理引擎,用於檢測和測量特定於模式的缺陷。它還為各種光掩模和晶圓缺陷提供了一套全面的檢測算法,如與橋、連接點、轉角、線/空間、缺失圖樣、圖樣位移有關的算法。資產的自動化缺陷分析過程非常準確,使生產工程師能夠對傳統上需要繁瑣的手動檢查的樣品執行定時測量。對於完全自動化,模型的可配置警報閾值消除了人工監督的需要,並向制造現場提供實時反饋。設備的綜合檢測能力使其成為半導體晶圓和掩模生產工藝的理想選擇。其非接觸式、無破壞性的檢測消除了對基板的潛在損害,也具有成本效益。LEICA LDS3300M有一個用戶友好的界面,允許用戶以最小的努力快速操作。它還提供了詳細的缺陷檢查報告,可用於快速決定未來的生產問題。