二手 TAYLOR HOBSON TalySurf #9153363 待售


ID: 9153363
晶圓大小: 8"
優質的: 2014
Automated surface and contour inspection system, 8" System hardware Anti-vibration support frame TalySurf granite base and column TalySurf traverse unit PGI gauge System control & analysis Electronic control unit (ECU) ECU (S21) control software Ultra control & analysis software Licensed dual profile analysis software (Ultra) Licensee roughness (VDA 2005) analysis software (Ultra) Licensed waviness analysis software (Ultra) Licensed parameter tolerancing software (Ultra) Licensed aspherics analysis software (Ultra) Licensed conic section analysis software (Ultra) Licensed form measurement software (Ultra) Required options Gauge range Range = 12.5mm (PGI1200) Gauge resolution Gauge resolution 0.2nm Stylus lilt options Standard gauge control with motorized lift lower Traverse length 200mm traverse Column height and tilt 450mm column with non-tilting traverse Instrument platform Pneumatic AV platform including desk for pc Computer & monitor High grade pc (processor, memory, hard drive, cd / dvd) Intel Pentium processor (2.0 GHz. 1mb l2 cache, 800 MHz FSB) 2GB ram 160 GB hard drive (SATA 3 Gb/s), 16x dvd r/w Monitor 19" LCD (hi res) Styli 60mm arm with 2um radius & 60dog cone 120mm arm with 0.3mm diameter (ruby) 60mm arm with 2um radius & 90deg cone 60mm arm with 5um radius and 90deg cone (recess) 60mm stylus arm with 2um rad *10deg conisphere diamond tip 60mm stylus arm with 0.8mm diameter ball silicon nitride tip 120mm arm with 0.8mm diameter (silicon nitride) Calibration standards Calibration standard (80mm radius) Staging Air bearing rotary stage Mains power 220vac (+/-10%) Mains lead Mains lead (UK) Datum correction Datum correction pack Part number Description M112-4117-02 Form talysurf PGI optics Std 112-3145-06 S21 PGI 12mm Gauge 112-3984-01 02nM PGI Software licence 112-3821-01 PGI Iift /lower 112-3123-02 S21 200rnm Traverse unit 112-3849-01 S21 450mm Fixed col granite 112-4177-01 PGI Pneu AV Base+Desk+Surround 112-4241-01 L2 Enhanced aspherics anaylsis 112-4344 02 HP DPU - All Languages 112-4120-01 Hewlett packard 19" disply 112-3227-02 60mm 60J 2uM Recess PGI stylus 112-3221-02 60mm 90J 2uM Recess PGI stylus 112-3224-01 60mm 5uM Radius 90 deg 112-3412-02 60mm 40 2uM Recess PGI stylus 112-3411-01 60mm 0.8mrn Diameter ball 112-3404-01 120mm 0.3mm Diameter ball 112-2028-01UC Cal Std 80mm Rad & UKAS Cert 220V 220VAC (+/-10%) LANG-ENG English 112-2367 FEC 119-6440 Mains lead (UK) 112-4147-01 Datum correction pack SPECIALDP RT150/200-A2 Precitech rotary SS TRAIN THLE Training at TH Leics SS INST THUK Install by TH UK engineer 112-3405-01 120mm 0.8mm Diameter ball 2014 vintage.
Taylor-Hobson TAYLOR HOBSON TalySurf是一種基於3D光學輪廓測量的先進光學計量設備。該系統非常適合用於掩模和晶片級特性的無損檢測,以確保半導體制造業的表面質量和平整度。該設備基於獲得專利的Talyprofiler 3 D掃描儀,具有行業標準的RMDx光學輪廓測量模塊,能夠在1秒內提供準確的結果。TalySurf經過專門設計,以滿足生產半導體晶片和掩模的制造商的需求,以滿足嚴格的行業質量標準。它甚至可以檢測到晶片和掩模上最小的特征和缺陷,每次通過的數據高達25微米,使其成為一臺極其精確可靠的機器。TAYLOR HOBSON TalySurf提供了全方位的功能,例如具有點擊測量工具的用戶友好軟件,以及用於表面輪廓測量、塗層厚度測量和高級圖像分析的高級軟件。該工具旨在在水平平面和垂直平面上捕獲高分辨率的表面圖像,可以將其轉換為圖形,以便與行業標準進行比較。它也可用於測量特征長度、深度和直徑,以及納米級的高精度表面剖面圖。TalySurf具有內置的集成視覺傳感器,它使用高級算法和預定義的測量模板的組合來準確確定目標曲面的3D屬性。TAYLOR HOBSON TalySurf非常容易設置和用於掩模和晶圓檢查,並且只需要基本的操作員培訓就能充分利用它。它具有多種可定制的選項,包括各種照明角度、焦點設置和特定材料的掃描速度。該資產還具有允許快速、安全地傳輸數據以及遠程控制設備的軟件。總體而言,Taylor-Hobson TalySurf是一種非常可靠且經濟高效的用於掩模和晶圓檢查應用的設備。其精確的測量和先進的軟件使其成為任何需要準確可靠檢驗結果的公司的理想選擇。其用戶友好的設計和直觀的設置使其易於使用,即使對於沒有經驗的操作員也是如此,而且它有廣泛的可自定義設置選擇,以適應各種材料和工藝要求。