二手 CAMECA LEAP 3000X Si #9240926 待售


LEAP 3000X Si
ID: 9240926
優質的: 2006
Atom probe microscope Option: Laser Plasma cleaner on buffer chamber Pucks: Local electrode puck Local electrode Local electrode puck alpha identifier Specimen puck numeric identifier Specimen puck Specimen holder Specimen and puck assembly: Specimen length: 2-8 mm Specimen puck cone Specimen set screw Planar specimen Wire specimen Specimen mounting post: Wire specimens mount to an 8 mm post Planar specimens mount to a 14 mm post Carousel and pucks: Local electrode puck Loadlock peg clearance notch Specimen puck Carousel index Puck position alpha identifier Carousel numeric identifier Local electrode puck mounted in the carousel Loadlock peg mount LEAP Microscope: UHV Vacuum gauge Loadlock chamber and access door Buffer turbo pump Loadlock turbo pump Horizontal transfer rod Horizontal transfer rod chamber slide Horizontal transfer rod angle control Vertical transfer rod FIM System Bakeout blower heater Vertical transfer rod rotation control Buffer chamber Vertical transfer rod vertical control Ion pump Amplifier Time to Digital Converter (ATDC) Instrument flange and analysis chamber Video camera: Top Specimen stage alignment microscope Instrument flange: FIM Camera Detector and phosphor screen selector Flight-path length adjustment Gate valves: Loadlock gate valve Turbo pump gate valve Ion pump gate valve Buffer gate valve Instrument rack: Ion pump controller NEG Controller Micro-positioning stage controller High-voltage power supply Interlock assembly Pulser assembly Bakeout controller UPS Cryo temperature controller Vacuum gauge assembly Emergency Machine Off (EMO) switch Pump cart: Pump cart Roughing pumps Refrigerant compressor Laser components: Instrument flange enclosure Laser beam conditioning assembly Laser system rack Laser and voltage systems Cold head Floor-mount cold head support Laser power-supply control panel: Laser system rack Main power switch Laser power supply control panel High voltage source 1 status LED Laser-beam power switch D1 and D2 pump diode status LED Emergency stop switch 2006 vintage.
CAMECA LEAP 3000X Si是一種最先進的掃描電子顯微鏡。它是一種用於多種應用領域的高分辨率儀器,如材料分析、缺陷表征、表面地形、故障分析、生物成像和納米級成像。LEAP 3000X Si包括一個單色熱場發射槍,用於穩定和可重復成像。它配備了一個高性能的成像系統,允許極快的掃描速度和高像素計數的詳細圖像。CAMECA LEAP 3000X Si有一個自動化的縫合系統來幫助樣品制備和增加圖像的視野。對LEAP 3000X Si的鏡頭設計進行了優化,以實現最大的分辨率和靈活性。它具有三束成像系統,可同時對晶界和小表面特征進行成像。成束階段有助於最小化圖像中的雜散輻射,這可以使圖像的意義大大降低。CAMECA LEAP 3000X Si能夠實現比1nm更高的圖像分辨率,比傳統SEM分辨率高三倍。所有這些特性都允許對樣品進行極其詳細的分析,直至達到納米級。LEAP 3000X Si還具有多種用於真實材料分析的噴射和非噴射樣品制備系統。這包括樣品塗層系統和樣品冷卻系統,以幫助用戶在實驗期間保持樣品質量。CAMECA LEAP 3000X Si有一個用戶友好的直觀界面,這使得操作顯微鏡容易得多。它還包括一個直觀的視頻教程,幫助解釋不同的特點,讓用戶更舒適的使用顯微鏡。總體而言,LEAP 3000X Si是一種頂級顯微鏡,能夠為各種研究應用提供出色的成像效果。高分辨率成像、自動化系統和復雜的樣品準備功能相結合,使CAMECA LEAP 3000X Si成為研究人員尋找高級成像解決方案的理想工具。