二手 CUSTOM MR-02500 #9006814 待售

ID: 9006814
Trinocular metallurgical microscope
Eyepieces: Included - Extra WF 10x/22mm
Head: Trinocular
Objective lens features: Infinity plan achromatic Objectives
Objective lens included:
NA = Numerical Aperture
WD = Working Distance
Plan 10x, NA 0.25 / / WD11.0mm
Plan 20x, NA 0.40/ / WD6.0mm
Plan 40x, NA 0.60/ / WD 3.7mm
Plan 80x, NA 0.9/ / WD0.2mm
Mechanical stage:
Stage size: 300 x 268mm; Movement: 250 x 250mm
Kohler, Epi-illuminator with iris aperture diaphragm and iris field diaphragm
120V/6V 20W halogen bulb with adjustable brightness
Includes filters: blue, green, yellow and ground glass
Polarization attachment:
Analyzer and Polarizer
Camera adapters:
C-Mount adapter in the third optical (vertical) port
Relay lens not included
Special features:
Quadruple nose piece
Infinity optical system
High magnification objective with long working distance (up to 3.7mm for 40x)
Magnification range of 40x to 400x standard, 40x to 800x with optional lens
Ergonomic and comfortable operation with low position control knob
Trinocular viewing head
Extra widefield 10x eyepiece
Infinity plan achromatic objectives: 10x, 20x, 40x, 80x standard
Quadruple nose piece
Extra large cross table mechanical stage: 300 x 268mm; Movement: 250 x 250mm
Illumination: Kohler, Epi-illuminator with iris aperture diaphragm and iris field diaphragm
120V/6V 20W halogen bulb with adjustable brightness
Triangular structure.
CUSTOM MR-02500是一種顯微鏡,它為研究人員和科學家提供了最高水平的光學清晰度。顯微鏡設計具有卓越的光學元件和先進的成像能力。它比傳統的顯微鏡模型具有許多優點,包括出色的光學性能和出色的圖像分辨率。MR-02500顯微鏡有一個Infinity校正的物鏡系統,有一個16倍的高功率物鏡和一個120倍的平面圖apochromat和一個10倍的平面圖Neofluar。其目標旨在提供具有出色對比度的高分辨率圖像。平面圖具有13毫米長的工作距離和高數值孔徑0.90的校正圖像場。它還配備了用於相機附件的C-Molt。顯微鏡具有單軸數字操縱桿,具有人體工程學設計和平滑的響應控制,允許對顯微鏡進行精確的操作。操縱桿由12伏直流電源供電。CUSTOM MR-02500顯微鏡有一個可調LED燈照明系統和亮度控制.燈的光照強度可以調整以適應不同的照明條件。光源由礦物玻璃擴散板保護,以避免耀斑損壞。MR-02500顯微鏡包括許多其他特征,為研究人員提供可靠和有效的利用。它配有一個可調節的對焦止動裝置和一個拉力控制旋鈕,便於精確聚焦物鏡。其具有圖像比例的開放式舞臺設計提供了出色的可見性和準確性。相機的微調對焦停止和95mm的柔性觀察管允許在用戶所需的視角下定位被照射物體。CUSTOM MR-02500顯微鏡是一種用於各種研究應用的強大而可靠的工具。它的頂級組件和特點使其成為需要對微觀標本進行高分辨率觀測和成像的科學家和研究人員的理想選擇。