二手 NIKON Eclipse NI-U #9250425 待售

Eclipse NI-U
ID: 9250425
Trinocular microscopes Optical system: CF160 Infinity optical system Fly eye optics Superior optical performance Image capture button Rotatable ceramic coated stage 100 W Illumination Illumination: Halogen lamp: 12 V, 100 W Builtin flyeye lens Preset switch Builtin NCB11 / ND8 / ND32 filter Diffuser Controls: Transmitted light on / off switch Intensity control dial NCB11 / ND8 / ND32 filter in / out switches Image capture button Simple remote control pad Focusing: Manual coaxial coarse / Fine focusing Focusing stroke Eyepiece lens: 10x (22 mm) 10xM (22 mm) 12.5x (16 mm) 15x (14.5 mm) UW10x (25 mm) UW10xM Photomask (25 mm) Tube: Binocular tube Trinocular tube F Trinocular tube T Ergonomic binocular tube Arm: Standard arm Contact arm: Motorized control (2) Substages: Rotatable stage and non-rotatable stage Noisepiece: Motorized septuple Motorized sextuple DIC Intelligent septuple Intelligent sextuple DIC Sextuple DIC Sextuple with analyzer slot Sextuple Condensers: Universal condenser dry Abbe condenser: NA 0.9 Achromat condenser: NA 0.9 Darkfield condenser (Oil or dry) Phase contrast condenser Achromat / Aplanat condenser: NA 1.4 XLWD Condenser Slide achromat condenser: 2-100x Achromat swing-out condenser: 2-100x Achromat swing-out condenser: 1-100x DIC Condenser (Oil) Qty / Part number / Description (1) / MBA92010 / NIKON Eclipse NI-U Main body (2) / MAK10100 / NIKON CFI 10x/22 Eyepieces (1) / MBB93800 / NIKON C-TE2 Ergonomic binocular tube (1) / MBB96800 / NIKON C-TEP2 DSC Port for ergonomic binocular tube (1) / MBP71316 / NIKON C-N6 Sextuple nosepiece ESD (1) / MRL20102 / CFI Plan achro DL 10x NA 0.25 WD 10.5 mm Objective (1) / MRL20202 / CFI Plan achro DL 20x NA 0.40 WD 1.3 mm Objective (1) / MRL20402 / CFI Plan achro DL 40x NA 0.65 WD 0.57 mm (1) / MRL21903 / CFI Plan achro DL100x oil NA1.25 WD 0.17 mm (1) / C-CSR1S / NIKON Right handle ceramic-coated stage with 1S holder (1) / NI-SS / NIKON Substage (1) / NI-CH / NIKON  Condenser holder (1) / MBL73100 / NIKON Phase contrast condenser (1) / MBE95200 / NIKON NI-LH Pre-centered lamp house (1) / MXA22048 / NIKON Cover H550L (1) / - / NIKON Eclipse NI-U Manual printout Input rating: 170 VA.
NIKON Eclipse NI-U是一種高性能顯微鏡儀器,旨在滿足廣泛科學應用的需求。該顯微鏡具有5位鼻孔、高數值孔徑和卓越的圖像質量。Eclipse NI-U具有卓越的熒光能力和動態範圍,是高對比度成像和定量分析的理想儀器。NIKON Eclipse NI-U創新的光學系統設計為提供卓越的圖像質量。其高光圈的目標,光學元件和集成的垂直照明提供卓越的對比度,分辨率和熒光強度。顯微鏡包括一個U-TRIAD三位置的浸油鼻孔,可容納五個DIN編碼的高數值孔徑目標,梯度可達1000倍。這種最先進的鼻孔也確保了平穩、長期的操作。除了出色的成像能力外,Eclipse NI-U還擁有直觀的計算機控制系統。集成的NIKON NIS-Elements成像軟件可幫助研究人員生成高效的工作流並幫助快速分析數據。這款直觀的軟件支持圖像采集和處理、增強的實時單元成像以及通過單擊鼠標輕松導航。該軟件可幫助您實時監控和分析數據,同時實現真實的結果。NIKON Eclipse NI-U具有多種高級選項可供選擇,包括一系列目標、電動組件和舞臺配件,以及一系列數碼相機。還提供了一個可選的電動XYZ舞臺,它允許自動掃描幻燈片,實時掃描多達200X200張圖像。此階段與NIS-Elements軟件一起,使用戶能夠相對輕松地移動和探索大型領域。Eclipse NI-U是許多成像應用的完美選擇,包括熒光、多重熒光、亮場、暗場、反射光、相對比度和DIC研究。此外,這種顯微鏡是活細胞成像的絕佳工具,是生物樣品的理想選擇。