二手 ACCUTHERM AW 810 #9185465 待售

AW 810
ID: 9185465
晶圓大小: 2"-8"
Rapid thermal processing system, 2"-8" Ramp up rate: 10°C to 120°C per/sec Maximum rate: 200°C Steady state duration: 0-300 sec/step Steady state temperature range: 150°C - 1150°C Maximum: 1250°C ERP Pyrometer: 450-1250°C With ±1°C accuracy Thermocouple: 100-800°C With ±0.5°C accuracy Temperature: Repeatability: ±0.5°C Uniformity: ±8°C across an 8" Gases used: N2 O2 Ar He Forming gas NH3 N2O2 Main frame with wires Pentium® class computer with LCD monitor, 17" Mouse and standard keyboard Aluminum oven chamber With water cooling passages Gold plating plates Door plate with TC connection port Oven control board Main control board Bottom and top heating with 27 (1.2kW) radiation heating lamp module Isolated quartz tube: Without pyrometer window With pyrometer window (4) Bank zones Top: Front and rear Bottom: Front and rear Quartz tray: 5" to 8" Round wafer / Customized Gas line with gas MFC with shut-off valve T-Shape quartz with qualified K-type TC Holder: 100°C-800°C temperature measurement Thermocouple wires: (5)pcs Option: MFCs with gas control Carrier / Susceptor: Small sample Transparent substrate Substrate with metal thin film on top Patented ERP pyrometer (400-1250°C) Non-contact high temperature sensor Chiller for ERP pyrometer Single point for pyrometer calibration Omega meter for pyrometer and thermocouple calibration Shutt-off valve for quartz tube Lamps cooling control Spare parts Type: Atmospheric RTP RTA Desktop Manual loading PC Controller with real time control technology Lamp heating: Top and bottom (27) Lamps (4) Lamp zones Isolated quartz tube Gold plating plates: Top Bottom Front Rear Left Right Water cooled oven chamber Substrate size, 8" Substrate thickness: <10 mm Substrate material: Transparent Semitransparent Nontransparent Substrate shape: Round / Square / Abnormity Highest temperature: 800°C-1250°C Temperature sensor: TC Longest steady time @1000 °C: 10mins Vacuum pressure control: No Chamber cooling: Maximum: 35°C Dew point: 3°C Pre-filtered water Susceptor material: Graphite with SiC coating / Customized Option: Temperature sensor: ERP Omega meter: CL23A Susceptor: Base and cover Power: 3 Phase 50/60 Hz AC 200V, 208V, 220V, 380V, 415V Amps: 100 CE Marked.
ACCUTHERM AW 810是為各種工業應用而設計的工業級烤箱/爐。這座爐子的發電站采用堅固耐用的鋼和不銹鋼建造的頂端結構,使其能夠輕松地進行苛刻的溫度應用。強大的燃燒器技術、雙級燃氣加熱設備和高速氣流為包括金屬加工和鍛造在內的各類工業應用提供一致、準確的溫度。AW 810的散熱設計在動力和性能上無與倫比。該爐為每個燃燒室配備重型燃燒室,采用先進的模塊化設計,以減少停機時間。燃燒器燃燒器由使用天然或液化石油氣的優質燃燒器提供動力。雙級燃氣系統在爐內提供高效準確的溫度控制,不斷推動火焰,確保精確加熱。ACCUTHERM AW 810的內室設計為充分利用其高速、低壓氣流單元。這是通過使用低矮的孔徑密封來實現的,這有助於保持整個腔室的均勻溫度。風扇驅動的對流機確保當室內溫度達到極端水平時,傳熱保持一致。AW 810的內部覆蓋著一個保護性的S型熱工擋板。這種專門的擋板通過屏蔽墻壁免受高溫影響來提高腔室的熱效率,確保腔室在最佳持續時間內保持其溫度。耐熱絕緣有助於減少熱量損失,最大限度地提高能源效率。ACCUTHERM AW 810還配備了防護安全工具。資產包括一個集成的高溫安全開關,在過熱時切斷腔室和風扇的電源。此外,該爐設計有溫度限制控制,當溫度達到不安全水平時停止運行。對於後處理和加熱應用,AW 810是理想的選擇。這款功能強大的烤箱/爐采用重型鋼結構、雙壁腔室和精確溫度控制,是需要一致、可重復、可靠的加熱和冷卻過程的工業應用的理想解決方案。ACCUTHERM AW 810具有耐用的結構和節能性能,是滿足您所有工業應用需求的理想選擇。