二手 MUHLBAUER DS 10000 #9203635 待售
ID: 9203635
晶圓大小: 12"
優質的: 2010
Tape and reel die sorter, 12"
Smallest footprint: 1200 mm x 1110 mm
Signal lights: 3-Color
Automatic wafer expander:
With heating system for uniform wafer expansion
Programmable expansion height: 6 -13 mm
Pattern recognition system (PRS):
For automatic x and y alignment of wafers
Ink dot and chipped corners recognition of chips
2D-Bump inspection
16" Monitor
Die on fly optic
Pick and place bond head: Programmable X / Y / Z table
Optical die sensor / Programmable place force: 50 - 200 CN
Die collect height adjustment in Z by auto teach function
Safety housing
Operation panel
Optical alignment system for pre-bond tape centering
Wafer mapping
Wafer thickness: 100 μm to 550 μm
Die size (Flip chip): 0.5 x 0.5 mm to 9.0 x 9.0 mm
Ink dot size: 100 μm to 350 μm black
Placement precision: X, Y: ± 30 μm CPK 1.33
Y: ±1.5°
Wafer changer and lot handler
Die size 1.0 x 1.0 mm:
Die flip and inspection: Up to 10.000 UPH inch
Die size 5.0 x 5.0 mm
Die flip and inspection: Up to 6500 UPH inch
Input / Output spooler from reel to reel:
Input spooler up to 22" reels (Inner diameter 12.5 mm)
Output spooling system for 8"-13" reels (Inner diameter 12.5 mm)
Output spooling system outside machine housing
Automatic wafer changer for 6"-12" magazine
Wafer expander change kit, 12"/8":
Different wafer frame size: 12" and 8"
Network connection:
Machine / Map-PC to customers network
Flip chip unit: Double die flipping unit
Die ejector change kit
Mechanical index system for carrier tape:
Include 8 mm tape kit
Tape width: 8 mm to 24 mm
Tapes from reel to reel
Inserts for one tape type
Insert kit for flexible index system, 12 mm
Carrier tape with tape width: 12 mm
Suction unit with repair mode
Replacement function for flip chips
Handling with cutting unit
Sealing unit with cover tape spooler:
Hot / Cold sealing
Sealing tape outer diameter: 200 mm
Hot seal shoe, 8 mm
Sealing shoe
Vacuum at bond position
Additional hot sealing shoe, 12 mm
With metal runner
Wafer microscope for pick and placing the die
Automatic post bond inspection:
Die in pocket inspection
Empty pocket
Tilted die
Die back side inspection
Laser mark
Chipping inspection of back side
Empty pocket detection: Camera system
Vacuum pump: 8 m³/h Capacity
Hand barcode reader
High resolution camera on wafer inspection:
Resolution: 1000 x 1000 Pixel instead of 640 x 480 pixel
2010 vintage.
MUHLBAUER DS 10000是一種最先進的食品包裝設備,旨在使各種托盤密封產品的生產自動化。MUHLBAUER DS10000采用先進的工程技術,為食品包裝行業提供高效、經濟高效的解決方案。該系統是完全自動化的,允許在加速的時間內大量生產高質量的包裝。它具有焊接伺服密封站、形成水泡包的密封熱隧道和高效的食品托盤裝載站。DS 10000還帶有精確的切割和分割工具,以及堅固可靠的運輸和輸送單元。這些功能共同使用戶能夠顯著降低人力成本並提高生產線的生產率。DS10000配備了各種傳感器和監控系統,以確保產品的最佳質量。這包括用於識別和隔離缺陷的視頻內部檢視機,以及用於快速準確的產品跟蹤的掃描工具。該資產還包括一個集成的基於Web的界面,可遠程監控生產過程並訪問實時數據。MUHLBAUER DS 10000還提供多種安全功能。其中包括一個FDA認證的材料處理模型,以防止汙染,以及一個簡單的清洗過程和自動化的消毒設備。所有這些特性都有助於確保在生產過程中保持最高水平的衛生和安全。總體而言,MUHLBAUER DS10000是一個功能強大的包裝系統,旨在簡化生產流程並降低成本。憑借先進的工程設計、直觀的控制和全面的安全功能,DS 10000為食品包裝提供了高效的解決方案。