二手 CAMTEK Falcon 620 #9090581 待售

ID: 9090581
Inspection system, 4"-8"
Power: 220 V, 1 phase, 16 A
Vibration isolation: Comply
Proper class: 100
Wafer thickness: > 250 um - less application pending
Chip size: all possible
Max die count per raw: all possible
Lens maker (2D/3D): Mitutoyo
Wafer handling (robot system): IDE, ISEL
Warpage wafer capability: up to 500 microns for 8" wafer
System OS: Windows XP Pro SP2
Image storage capacity (hard disk): 120Gb or higher (On/Offline)
Control PC: Athlon 2.8 dual processor or dual core
Monitor size: 19"
Reference die: golden die (cleaned with multiple dice)
Map integration: OK
Raw data review:
Comply (Excel format can be modified by user)
Includes defect position and algorithm kinds
2D performance:
Detection: foreign material, particles, scratches, embedded, discoloration, not open
Repeat-ability: > 97% (contrast 25GL and above)
2D pattern: visual
Scan resolution (lateral): 1.8 - 9 um
Review resolution: x10 (0.6 um)
Min 2D defect: 3.6 um (x5 mag, 1.8 um application pending)
Throughput (doc) for 6" (2D): 12 WPH (1.8 um resolution)
Critical dimension measurement:
Gold bumps and bond pad XY size: shape and positioning violation
Accuracy: 1.5 optical pixels (test using built in target)
Repeat-ability (sigma): 1 optical pixel (test using built in target)
Solder bumps diameter: diameter and positioning violation
Accuracy: 1.5 optical pixels (test using built in target)
Repeat-ability (sigma): 1 optical pixel (test using built in target)
3D performance:
3D height: bump height, die co-planarity
3D inspection tool: Confocal Chromatic Sensor (CCS)
CCS bump height accuracy: +/- 1 um (on target)
CCS bump height repeat-ability: 2.0 um at 1 sigma (on target)
CCS height measurement range: 1000 um
CCS scan resolution (vertical): 0.1 um
Main system:
Main body:
Optical Unit
Stage unit
Anti-vibration unit
Controller unit
Cleanroom unit
Loading / unloading part:
IDE robot
Loadport (2 configurable up to 8")
General configuration:
System control: Windows XP Professional
Wafer type: flat and notch - no glass (transparent)
Wafer thickness: 250 um - 800 um
Cassette stage: independent 2-cassette stage, open cassette type
Airborne particle: Class 100
Anti vibration: comply of low band noise
AC power connection type: 230V, 50/60Hz
System controller:
Main PC:
Main memory: 2Gb
Hard disk drive: 120Gb
MCU (Main Computer Unit): 4 PC or 1 Dual core PC
- each PC contains dual image processor
Display: 19" TFT LCD
CCS control unit
Stage configuration:
Stage: better than 5um flatness
Wafer present sensor: vacuum sensor
Motion control configuration:
Linear motor
Stage position accuracy: less than 5 um
Position repeat-ability : less than 1 um
Stage speed: > 5 um/sec
W/F handling configuration:
W/F handler: IDE robot system
Transfer reliability: > 50,000 wafers
Cassette absent & present sensor
Wafer ID read function
Additional functions:
Offline review: OK (real independent offline review)
Data output: map, all bump height, raw metrology result
OCR: OK (top)
Ionizer: OK (1 in main M/C)
Particle maintenance: 1 HEPA filter in M/C (1 in Main M/C)
Prealigner: OK (ISEL)
3D mapping during review: OK
Overkill tolerance: Less than 5 %(at 25 GL contrast)
2007 vintage.
CAMTEK Falcon 620是一款多功能PC板組裝和制造設備,專為高性能和多功能性而設計。它具有強大可靠的32位處理器,以及12英寸的大型活動顯示器和10英寸觸摸屏。它還包括各種功能,以確保高效生產印刷電路板(PCB)。Falcon 620具有先進的PID算法和高速數據采集功能,能夠提供精確、精確的制造過程控制,非常適合各種PCB組裝要求。該系統非常適合小批量和大批量生產線。CAMTEK Falcon 620具有易於使用的觸摸屏用戶界面,其中包括六種不同的菜單,用於稱重、檢查、故障定位、處理和標記零件和板。它的高級密碼保護單元有助於確保對不同菜單的安全訪問。Falcon 620還提供與本地和遠程機械的高級連接,允許客戶定制生產線。使用USB或以太網連接可以方便地存儲所有計算機數據。為滿足生產需要,CAMTEK Falcon 620提供了一系列綜合功能:可以使用自動采摘和放置系統進行部件處理;預測通量可用於提高組裝焊接元件的質量;自動即時編程可用於最佳電路板編程;使用CAMTEK專有機器可以進行自動檢查、故障定位和維修。為確保質量控制和成本效益,Falcon 620支持動態產量分析,該分析跟蹤生產過程值和趨勢,以便進行量身定制的過程調整和提高產量。所有的數據都被儲存起來,可以被召回作進一步的分析。CAMTEK Falcon 620還配備了一個可選的激光單元,用於標記板和組件。激光配備了自動對焦和功率調節能力,保證了準確、優質的標識。它還支持一系列材料和表面,包括裸露或經過熱處理的銅、金和銀。Falcon 620是實現PCB裝配和制造效率和精度最大化的理想解決方案。它全面而強大的功能可以實現最大的機器控制和生產靈活性,而其易於使用的用戶界面甚至可以讓新手用戶快速啟動和運行。