二手 CONCEPTRONIC 3000 Freedom Series Model: HGR FR3000 #84311 待售

ID: 84311
優質的: 2000
BGA rework station, features:
Convection gas heater with variable flow control, powered by nitrogen or compressed air (selectable)
Top and bottom forced convective heaters (425 º C setpoint)
Bottom side support
Independent gas flow, temperature and working height adjustment parameters
Integrated frame with slide out access panels
Live video display for alignment of simultaneous component and pad images
Large IR pre-heater with multiple zone selectable for energy conservation
Fiber Optic lighting for sharp illumination, Dual Light Pipes Option
Automated optics train
Variable zoom lens and 2X magnification adapter for small pitch components
Automatic Z axis pick up and placement functions
On-board profiler with analysis software for simplified profile development
Real Time temperature plotting data charting and archive storage
Thermocouple driven programming development - “autoprofiling” - feature
Windows based, menu driven, templates for programming
Heating Nozzles (6 - 8) included
208V, 60 Hz
2000 vintage.
CONCEPTRONIC 3000 Freedom Series Model: HGR FR3000是一種高度精密的PC板組裝和制造設備,利用一系列先進的技術快速準確地生產各種電路板。該系統采用三維打印、註塑和自動表面安裝裝配技術的獨特組合,提高零件精度,減少材料浪費。該工藝結合了尖端材料、精密激光切割和壓花、自動元件放置和智能產品驗證,以生產可靠且制造精良的元件。此過程從3D打印機開始,它確保零件在移動到註塑模具之前的準確性,在註塑模具中將零件壓成所需的形狀。接下來是自動表面安裝裝配過程,使用視覺單元和機械臂將組件放置在板上。電路板完成後,立即將其輸送到進行焊接的回流烤箱。HGR FR3000還配備了物理建模機,該機在釋放板以供檢查之前驗證所有組件的狀態。此工具利用高級軟件檢查可能影響電路板功能的短褲和其他電氣故障。最後,對最終結果進行檢驗,驗證板材的準確性和質量.進行燃燒、熱沖擊和濕度測試等測試,以確保所有產品均符合行業標準。CONCEPTRONIC 3000 Freedom系列模型:HGR FR3000是一種可靠、可靠且經濟高效的PC板裝配和制造資產。本模型結合了一些最先進的技術,徹底改變了我們制造電路板的方式,確保了質量、準確性和效率。