二手 NEMETH 12PT70 #132004 待售

ID: 132004
RF Preheater Power Output: 12 kilowatts, continuous Electrode Width: 16" Electrode Length: 10" DC Power Supply: Solid state diode, full wave, MOV protected Operating Frequency: 70 MHz nominal Cooling: Air cooled An 8” diameter duct is provided for connection to the 1200 CFM Electric Power Input: 480 Volt, 3 Phase, 60 Hz, 50 Amp Buttons and Switches :Startup; Shutdown; Start Heat; Stop/Reset; Decrease Power; Increase Power; Local/Remote Selector switch for RF Heat Lights: Generator ON; Air Flow; Doors Open; Low Power Limit; Upper Power Limit; Overload; RF ON Meters: DC-Kilovolts; Plate Current; Grid Current; Filament Hours Electrode Height: Mechanical pointer Cabinet Dimensions: 30” along the line x 6’ deep x 9 feet tall Working Height: Product centerline adjustable from 42” to 51” from the floor Standard options: IR temperature display Displays external exit temperature Drip temperature control Automatically controls the power for consistent heating, based on exit drip temperature IR temperature control Controls the power based on IR sensing of external temperature Spark detector.
NEMETH 12PT70是一種PC板裝配和制造設備,旨在提高效率、產品質量和移動性。該系統設有高速視覺檢測單元,掃描每塊板,確認符合預定義的質量標準。機器的核心部件包括全自動PCB-smt處理輸送機、半自動路由器和多模塊SMT線路,以及許多相關的服務和設備。這允許全電路板制造過程。12PT70具有可容納多達12個SMD組件的自動進紙器以及多軌SMA/SVGA組件。光學識別系統能夠識別組件並允許在兩端進行定制編程以優化處理速度。該工具還包括一臺全自動焊膏打印機和一臺高速拾取和放置機,可以準確、一致地放置組件。由於芯片、IC和微控制器等組件的精度要求很高,這一點尤為重要。該資產還包括大量的磁通器、回流烤箱和板檢查系統,允許組裝復雜的電子多氯聯苯。NEMETH 12PT70具有集成的可追蹤性模型,可輕松識別成品板的生產批次、部件和整體質量。它還有一個自動布線設備,確保軌道和鬥篷的精確布線。這將導致更高的總體效率和更少的裝配錯誤。此外,系統還具有可配置的軟件套件,可簡化整個過程的設置和維護。此外,該裝置對環境友好,因為綜合清潔系統減少了組裝過程中產生的廢物量。總體而言,12PT70是一種高效的PC板裝配和制造機器,為PCB制造提供全面的功能。它非常適合需要及時生產復雜電子多氯聯苯的企業。