二手 PDR IR XT5P Pro #110069 待售

ID: 110069
優質的: 2008
SMT / BGA Rework system Specifications: Advanced focused IR component heating: 150W Focused IR heating with adjustable image system Quartz IR PCB preheating: High power Medium wave quartz IR 1600W, or 2000W (2) Zones: 2 x 800 or 1000W Switchable PDR Lens attachments: F700 (Ø25 - 70mm spot size) standard Advanced professional vacuum placement system Precision macro-micro X / Y / Theta PCB table Component temperature sensing: Non-contact IR Sensor PCB Temperature sensing Auto profile process control: With PDR thermoactive software suite CCTV Prism based BGA/uBGA alignment system Auxiliary process observation camera Bench top requirements: Top heat power: 150W IR Back heater power: 1600W or 2000W IR Voltage / Frequency: 220-240 Volts 50 / 60 Hz 2.4 Kw Basic setup with vision: Prism based BGA alignment with LED lighting Focused IR lens system F700 Lens attachment 2000w - 4 x 500w - 240mm x 240mm: Quartz IR (220/240v only) Advanced professional placement system (Y/Z axis, rotation and soft landing) Type 5: Digital controller with V4 thermoactive software control C-Type precision IR sensor Simple K-type wire thermocouple Component nest SP06011 Spring XY board support assembly AC01005 White tape ESD Grounding point Options: Upgrades: UGPCBH2: 1600w: 240 x 240 mm Quartz IR (220/240V only) UGTS11: Temperature sensing: Component (T/C 1) KE-type precision IR sensor UGTS21: Temperature sensing: PCB (T/C 2) PDR Pro K-type contact probe UGTS22: Temperature sensing: PCB (T/C 2) C-Type precision IR sensor UGTS23: Temperature sensing: PCB (T/C 2) KE-Type precision IR sensor UGSFPA2: Component print frame UGSFPA3: Mini stencil paste head Extras: SP01015: Auxillary process observation camera AC-F150: F150 Lens attachment AC-F200: F200 Lens attachment AC-F700: F400 Lens attachment Downgrades: DGCH2: Professional vacuum placement system (Z-axis and rotation) 2008 vintage.
PDR IR XT5P Pro是一種定制印刷電路板(PCB)裝配和制造設備,專為廣泛的應用而設計。該系統采用功能強大的模塊化設計,可根據您的確切需求進行擴展。整個單元由多個子系統組成,包括主控制器、輸送機軌道機、自動表面安裝裝配、元件放置和測量系統、元件放置視覺工具、回流爐和裝配後熱應力資產。IR XT5P Pro的控制器是工業標準PC,具有英特爾酷睿I7處理器和Windows 10 OS功能。該控制器支持多種PCB,如HDI、RF和High-Power,可配置為安裝組件以及針對每種組件進行專門優化的組件放置視覺模型。輸送機軌道設備在過程中實現了平穩高效的流動,使大量多氯聯苯能夠在最短的停機時間內一次得到處理。自動表面安裝裝配系統是設備中最復雜的部分。它配備了PDR-IRPlacer,這是一種創新的組件放置技術,用於準確定位和放置所有SMD組件。可以使用CAD文件對計算機進行編程,以提高可靠性並降低裝配過程中出錯的風險。此外,它還提供了多種元件放置選項,以達到最高精度和速度。PDR IR XT5P Pro還附帶組件放置測量工具,並配備PDR-IR VisionPlus Vision Asset。此型號使用CCD相機對表面進行光學檢查並精確檢測元件,確保整個PCB組件的質量盡可能高。它還提供了3D元件測量的可能性,進一步降低了出錯的風險。回流爐以最小的熱應力將所有必要的元件加熱並熔化到PCB上,從而產生可靠的裝配。它裝有PSR(防止溫度過高的設備、無塵室和熱梯度測量系統,確保所有組件都經過適當的硬化,而不會超過溫度閾值。最後,裝配後熱應力單元旨在識別裝配中的機械弱點或錯誤測量,從而降低發生意外故障的風險。它可以模擬各種環境條件,允許您在發貨前測試和驗證成功的組件。總而言之,IR XT5P Pro將使您能夠受益於最先進的PCB裝配和制造機器。它功能強大、靈活且易於使用,采用最新技術,提供最高水平的準確性、可靠性和速度。