二手 TECHNICAL DEVICES NuClean Galaxy #145305 待售

ID: 145305
優質的: 2007
In-line aqueous cleaner
Belt width: 18"
Water soluble fluxes
Wash / rinse stage:
3 HP stainless steel pump
(2) 7.5 kw INCOLOY immersion heaters
Temperature controllable: ambient to 140°F
Low liquid level protection
(4) spray bars, (32) nozzles
Sliding access door for tank cleaning
34-gallon tank capacity
Anti-drag out air knife:
Reduces liquid drag out from wash to rinse tank
Increases liquid penetration under components
7.5 HP turbine blower
Final rinse:
(2) spray bars, (10) nozzles
3 GPM at 40 PSI flow rate
Powered by input water line pressure or DI system pump
Drying air knifes:
7.5 HP turbine blower
Height and angle adjustable stainless steel tubes
(2) upper, (1) lower tubes
110°F heat of compression
18" usable process width
Stainless steel conveyor belt
0 to 10 FPM variable conveyor speed
Exhaust: single external 8" port
Control panel:
Main power switch
Emergency stop switch
Idle, run, ready and reset model
Wash and rinse tank fill switches
Low liquid level light
Wash and rinse heater temperature controls
Wash and rinse pump on / off switches
Conveyor speed adjustment
0.5" nitrogen welded polypropylene
<75 dba operating sound level
Height adjustable feet
Utilities and specifications:
Electrical: 480 VAC, 3-phase, 60 Hz
Dimensions: 120"L x 55.38"W x 50"H
Exhuast: 1000 CFM at 1.0" static pressure (8" duct)
Water input: 3.0 GPM at 40 PSI; 3/4" FPT pipe connection
Weight: 1,200 lbs (dry)
Belt height: ~31"
Product clearance: 2.5".
Shrink-wrapped and palletized.
TECHNICAL DEVICES NuClean Galaxy是一款完整的PC主板裝配和制造設備,能夠生產高質量的電子產品。該系統是一個交鑰匙解決方案,采用模塊化設計,允許根據產品要求實施不同的配置和配置。NuClean Galaxy具有高度的自動化和靈活性,有助於簡化制造過程並降低成本。帶有TECHNICAL DEVICES NuClean Galaxy的PC Board Assembly由可編程的機器人手臂完成,具有多個運動軸。該機器人具有獨立操作的功能,可以進行拾取和放置操作以及插入操作。機器人還能夠對整個組件進行徹底測試,並檢查多氯聯苯,以確保所有組件都存在於電路板中。NuClean Galaxy單元提供的制造能力極為通用。這臺機器既可用於大批量生產,也可用於小批量測試。該工具可支持批量生產和批量生產,速度快、精度高。此外,資產還可以處理各種組件,從很小的組件到較大的組件。運行TECHNICAL DEVICES NuClean Galaxy的軟件允許對具有自定義設置的組件組裝後進行復雜檢查,因此即使是最復雜的組裝也可以可靠地構建。對於PCB, NuClean Galaxy提供了多種焊接技術,例如Wave Solder、Reflow Solder、Manual Solder和SMT拾取和放置。有了這個模型,整個組件可以在焊接到板上之前進行測試,可以進行多次測試和檢查,以確保最高質量的電子產品。TECHNICAL DEVICES NuClean Galaxy為PC主板組裝和制造提供了高效、自動化和靈活的解決方案。這使制造商能夠以高精度、高容量和降低生產成本的方式構建板。該設備還設有一個綜合監測系統,可進行實時診斷,防止生產中出現任何潛在問題。NuClean Galaxy已成為PC主板裝配和制造的可靠且占主導地位的解決方案。