二手 UMG PLT-901-SH #9086580 待售

ID: 9086580
優質的: 2008
Odd-Form Single-Head Bulk Pin Inserter
Insertion tooling for Automatic Assembly of Bulk Fed Pins
Single Inserter Head Assembly with Applicator Tooling
Single Terminal Feed Assembly and Rear Inventory Support
2.0, PLT-9010, X Y R Platform
5.0. PLT-9420, Machine guarding
Bulk Fed Pin Insertion Head, Model MD-838
6" or 8" Stainless Vibratory Feeder bowl
Head Weldment Pinned and doweled for easy removal
Stroke adjustable applicator head for tight to PCB or Loose Fin Pin Insertion Process
Pneumatic Driven Insertion Head
Part Singulator
Component Centering Nest for Orientation Prior to Insert
Insert Shaft with Oil-Light Impregnated Bushing for Long Wear
Vibratory Bowl Mounting Weldment
Bowl Drive and Controller
Back Pressure Relief Built In
Air Blow Off as Needed for Incorrect Part Orientation
ESD Lexan Cover
Pin INsertion Speed Rated up to 9000 CPH
X Y R Platform
Single Table X Y position system
Gantry Weldment for Multiple Insertion Head Integration
High Speed Optical Correction
On Demand OCS Line Correction
On Demand Product Offset OCS Correction and Best Fit OCS Correction
ServoControlled X Y Table / Stage with an 18" x 18" insertion area and Bi-directional Rotary Table
Yaskawa AC Brushless Servomotors and Servopack amplifiers
90º and 180º rotation per second
3-Axis positioning programming
Self diagnostic and comprehensive troubleshooting
Self calibrating with memory storage of factors
Insertion line Editor Software
Hours: <100
2008 vintage.
UMG PLT-901-SH pc板裝配和制造設備是為高可靠性和高速生產而設計的。該系統每小時最多可提供15,000臺設備,而且返工最少。它專為易於使用而設計,其功能包括用於重復制造運行的快速設置和屏幕上的作業設置。該單元可用於原型或小批量產品和大批量生產。PLT-901-SH包括用於檢查和控制每個板組件質量的高精度視覺機。根據客戶的要求,該工具能夠應用100多個流程來選擇組件並驗證其位置和方向。組件被裝在帶子或膠帶的口袋裏,這些膠帶或膠帶被放置在電進紙盒中。該資產可以容納8mm和12mm磁帶,以及剝離和掠奪的連接器。使用獨特的視覺對齊工具來確保精確可靠的模型生產。UMG PLT-901-SH內置高速激光粗加工和波浪焊接設備。該系統可提供包括無鉛波焊接在內的多種波浪焊接能力,還具有粗加工針腳或導體的能力,以確保焊料在波浪焊接過程中附著在元件上。PLT-901-SH旨在提供高速、高精度的性能,並最大限度地減少設置時間。內存驗證、激光粗加工、波浪焊接等功能,方便用戶在每次生產運行時快速調整單元,還可以容納廣泛的元件和尺寸。這臺機器可以定制以滿足客戶的需求,有可選的附件,如手動插入工具、部分和全托盤裝載機、ESD-Asafe模塊和真空進紙器。資產還包括一套軟件工具,大大簡化了設置、編程和操作。UMG PLT-901-SH pc板裝配和制造模型是為那些正在尋找高效可靠的方法來快速高效地生產高質量PC板的用戶設計的。PLT-901-SH設備具有精確的視覺對準、高速焊接和粗糙化系統,為高效、高質量的生產提供了全面的解決方案。