二手 SEHO GoSelective-2 #9208023 待售
![SEHO GoSelective-2 圖為 已使用的 SEHO GoSelective-2 待售](https://cdn.caeonline.com/images/seho_goselective-2_900048.jpg)
![SEHO GoSelective-2 圖為 已使用的 SEHO GoSelective-2 待售](https://cdn.caeonline.com/images/seho_goselective-2_900047.jpg)
![SEHO GoSelective-2 圖為 已使用的 SEHO GoSelective-2 待售](https://cdn.caeonline.com/images/seho_goselective-2_900043.jpg)
![SEHO GoSelective-2 圖為 已使用的 SEHO GoSelective-2 待售](https://cdn.caeonline.com/images/seho_goselective-2_900049.jpg)
![SEHO GoSelective-2 圖為 已使用的 SEHO GoSelective-2 待售](https://cdn.caeonline.com/images/seho_goselective-2_900046.jpg)
![SEHO GoSelective-2 圖為 已使用的 SEHO GoSelective-2 待售](https://cdn.caeonline.com/images/seho_goselective-2_900044.jpg)
![SEHO GoSelective-2 圖為 已使用的 SEHO GoSelective-2 待售](https://cdn.caeonline.com/images/seho_goselective-2_900045.jpg)
ID: 9208023
Selective solder machine
Conveyor system:
Roller conveyor: (2) Driven segments
Motor controller: DC
Speed: 0.5 to 2.0 m/min
Width: 80 mm to 400 mm
Width adjustment: Electrical / Programmable options
Gripper head:
Angle direction A: 7° C
Angle direction B: 7° C
Pneumatic turn: 90° C
Gripper tool carrier:
Length: 350 mm
Width: 300 mm
Component height top side: 50 mm
Component height bottom side: 30 mm
Gripper tool bare board:
Length: 80 to 400 mm
Width: 80 to 350 mm adjustable
Component height top side: 30mm
Component height bottom side: 30mm
Preheat station:
Heating elements: Quartz
Power per heating element: 1.0 KVA
(6) Heating elements
Total power: 6.0 KVA
Preheat control: Time and power rate
Pyrometer control: Option
Fluxing system:
Dropjet-nozzle diameter range dropjet: 1 -4 mm
Dropjet quantity control: Fluxing time
Level control of the flux container
Flux container: 10I Stainless steel container
Flux supply: AC Pump
Additional nozzle heads: Option
Additional dropjet nozzles:
(2) Row connectors process: Option
Flux types:
Alcohol / Water based fluxes
With a solids content: Up to 5%
Coordinate fluxing unit as a separate module: Option
Dropjet spray control: Option
Automatic solder wire feeder:
Dimensions (DIN 46399): Drawina
Weight of soider wheel: 4k
Diameter of wire: 3mm
Alarm if feeder is empty
Drive system: Pneumatic
Control system:
Colour touch screen display, 10": Standard
CAN Field bus: Standard
Real time CNC controller: Standard
Modular: Standard
Multi language: Standard
Teach process:
Graphical teach editor: Standard
User friendly programming system: Standard
Online teaching with laser pointer: Standard
Offline teaching with any PC: Option.
SEHO GoSelective-2是由德國著名制造商SEHO打造的半自動pcb焊機。它旨在為中型到大型生產運行中的無鉛、選擇性和波浪焊接應用提供精確、可靠的結果。GoSelective-2有一個專利,可調節的雙面傳送帶。這使得輸送機能夠輕松地在不同的板尺寸之間切換,而不會犧牲板的對準精度。它配備了智能溫度測量控制,有助於在傳送帶的所有表面上保持穩定、均勻的溫度。這臺pcb焊機采用高效、低維護的PLC控制設備。它提供模塊化規格,例如預熱和冷卻、裝配、多板焊接和自動測試。該機能夠精確控制沈積焊膏的速度、位置和角度,使其能夠構建最復雜的電路板。為了安全操作,SEHO GoSelective-2配備了安全門和各種安全功能。它被封閉在密封的金屬外殼中,以保護其免受灰塵、濕度和其他有害元素的侵害。該機器還得益於涵蓋所有主要組件和部件的全面現場保修。GoSelective-2增加了可選的雙波焊接功能,進一步提高了可靠性。它還具有熱空氣噴嘴系統,具有優質的陶瓷加熱元件和可調節的速度控制風扇。這些功能協同工作,以匹配每批的完美焊接條件。SEHO GoSelective-2利用富士開發的X-Y龍門在焊接過程中精確定位機頭。它還具有專門為高質量波焊接設計的輸送裝置。可選的快速更改機(QCS)使小批量的電路板設置非常快速輕松。GoSelective-2是印刷電路板制造商尋求可靠、準確和經濟高效的結果而又不犧牲性能的理想選擇。它提供精確、可重復的焊接,允許快速、方便地生產高質量的電路板。