二手 VEECO FPP 5000 #128113 待售


FPP 5000
ID: 128113
Four point system Compact integral probe and display Microprocessor based electronics Automatic ranging Four selectable displays Sheet Resistivity V/I Bulk resistivity of a slice with a known thickness Thickness in, A, MILS, or microns of a slice or layer with a known bulk resistivity Keyboard Programming of slice or layer thickness or bulk resistivity Automatically performs a reverse and forward measurement each time the cover is closed RETEST button allows additional measurements without disturbing the probes Automatically holds the last reading after the probe is released and until the next measurement is made Error code displays indicate improper operation, readings and electronics Extended measurement range displays sheet resistivity up to 450k ohm/sq and down to a resolution of .001 milliohm/SQ High accuracy of 0.5% of reading on all reading between 5 milliohm to 5 k ohm. No more than +/- 8.0% at the extreme limits of the range Self test circuitry built in to determine if a fault is present Self calibration and zero circuitry assures high accuracy in all but extreme ranges Index substrate holder allows repeatable probe positioning on the substrate Probe up permits repeatable measurements independent of operator force and substrate thickness Integral RFI and light shielding for high resistivity measurements Plug in probe head adaptors make probe head changing convenient and non critical Typing mode determines N and P typing for most semiconductor substrates or layers Penetration permits high energy pulse to be applied for the purpose of breaking through thin oxide layers Penetrate function can be disabled by means of internal switches Automatic calculation of correction factors to compensate for probe tip spacing variations Back lit front panel indicates only the units applicable for the mode of operation chosen Electrical Specifications: The FPP-5000 requires an input power of 115/230 VAC +/- 10%, 50/60 Hz, at approximately 30 watts Geometric Correction Range: Based on the 2 configuration technique. Displays if calculated geometric correction is between 4.18 and 4.82 Calculated values above and below results in a flashing display in display SHEET, SLICE, and THICK If as a result of the calculation, the intermediate results are negative, the display will indicate E 07. Optional RS-232C Interface: Output on 25 pin female subminiature "D" connector Selectable Baud Rate: 9600, 4800, 2400, 1200, 300, 150 Optional Hand Held Probe Head: For testing wafers over 6" in Diameter. Comes with six foot cable. Specify probe head when ordering.
VEECO FPP 5000是為高級探測解決方案設計的高精度prober。VEECO FPP-5000設計用於廣泛的行業,包括半導體、光學和電子。它具有許多功能和技術,使FPP 5000能夠獲得更高的準確性和分辨率,並為測試和檢查提供可靠的手段。FPP-5000從精確的機制和先進的軟件開始。它采用了精密的XYZ線性、電動級.該級由單獨的伺服控制、無刷直流(DC)電動機驅動,提供400mm/s的最大行進速度。這允許快速、準確的掃描,從而產生高吞吐量。該程序還采用了多種技術,進一步提高了數據采集的準確性。其中包括一個單色儀控制的聚焦激光點,該點具有8倍或4倍的顯微鏡物鏡,可分辨率降至微米;高數值光圈(NA)透鏡,可實現超低Z軸分辨率;以及高分辨率的數字電荷耦合器件(CCD)相機。這種技術組合提供了以無與倫比的精確度快速捕獲和分析圖像的能力。驅動VEECO FPP 5000的軟件也對其性能起著關鍵作用。它能夠控制高速級的運動,以及允許高分辨率成像的多種技術。掃描軟件可用於選擇數據采集區域、分辨率、光束聚焦和其他掃描參數。VEECO FPP-5000是需要可靠、準確的高級探測解決方案的用戶的理想選擇。其精密的機械設計和高科技的成像技術組合使其非常適合各種行業。此外,它的高級軟件允許將FPP 5000與一系列應用程序配合使用,從而確保獲得最佳效果。