二手 AMAT / APPLIED MATERIALS Vantage Radiance #293586616 待售

ID: 293586616
Rapid Thermal Processing (RTP) system, 12"
Process: RadOx
(2) Chambers
Wafer type: SNNF
Platform type: Vantage 3.X
Position A and B: (V352) RadOx2
Chamber A and B process: Toxic RP
OHT WIP Delivery
Dual 2-slot active cool down station
E99 Docked reading capability
Load port: SELOP 7
Load port operator interface: Standard (8) lights
Configurable colored lights
Top air intake system
Upper E84 interface enabled OHT
Upper E84 PIO sensors and cables
E99 Carrier ID: TIRIS With RF
Operator access switch
4-Color configurable light towers
Interface A option
Out the back connection type: RP
Out the back connection H2
(2) Water cooling chambers
RP Integration hardware: Chamber A and B
Standard RAGB rear light tower
Vantage skin: (2) Toxic chambers
IPUP Transfer pump
Open loop tuner
MFC type: STEC
Core anneal and RTO
Monitor 1: Flat panel with keyboard on stand, 17"
Monitor 2: Flat panel on stand, 17"
Monitor 1 & 2 cables: 25 ft with 16 feet effective
No RTP Abatement Unit
Semi S2 compliance
RTP Chamber type: Radiance RadOx 2, 12"
Technology option: Open loop tuner
Core anneal and RTO
Rotation type: WRLD Toxic
Low flow O2: 5 SLM
High flow O2: 50 SLM
Oxygen analyzer
High flow
Low flow
Side inject
No process N2 for flammable MNFLD
Gas pallet type: TOXIC RP Common gas pallet
No MWBC improvement kit
Chamber integration lines: RadOx2
RP Pump cable: 81 Feet
Base ring: RadOx2 base ring
Line 1 / N2 (N/O), 50 SLM
Line 2 / O2, 50 SLM
Line 3 / O2, 5 SLM
Line 6 / H2, 15 SLM - side inject high flow
Line 7 / H2, 22 SLM - high flow
Line 8 / H2, 2 SLM - low flow
Line 10 / N2 (P/P), 30 SLM Restrictor
Line 11 / He, 30 SLM
Line 12 / N2 (BP), 50 SLM
Line 13 / N2 (Maglev), 100 SLM
Docking station FST install kit
Does not include Hard Disk Drive (HDD)
2013 vintage.
AMAT/APPLIED MATERIALS Vantage Radiance是一種用於半導體器件制造的快速熱處理器(RTP)。它產生快速的加熱和冷卻循環,對於晶圓級設備的商業化生產至關重要。RTP是一種單晶片快速熱退火系統,具有大石英管、紅外燈陣列及相關光學器件,以及控制半導體層燈加熱均勻性的可調平臺。其有效工藝溫度範圍為0°C至900°C,工藝時間為5-60秒,晶圓表面均勻度為+/-1 °C。AMAT Vantage Radiance采用了精密的計算機控制和熱壁真空室,以確保溫度精度和環境完整性。其紅外燈提供高強度、均勻的時空輻照度,使晶圓級均勻性極佳。其熱墻真空設計確保了清潔和無汙染物的環境,在加工過程中不需要氮氣或氦氣氣氛,從而提供了低擁有成本和高效率。RTP的設計目的是以均勻的溫度分布、優異的晶圓級均勻性和廣泛的工藝溫度提供高速和可重復的退火結果。它采用先進的清潔室技術,為高速工藝優化提供了更高的工藝保真度、可重復性和性能,包括用於工藝優化的高精度光譜匹配。APPLIED MATERIALS Vantage Radiance還配備了廣泛的診斷和控制系統,提供有關溫度、工藝時間和能耗的實時數據。它包括自動化樣品加載和晶圓交換、工藝和熱循環調度以及工藝驗證等功能。此外,一個獨特的診斷系統可提供流程反饋,並且可以安全地遠程訪問,以監督系統性能並遠程調整流程參數。Vantage Radiance是一款小巧堅固的RTP,專為可靠生產高性能半導體器件而設計。它擁有成本低、精度高、自動化方便,是半導體器件生產的理想工具。