二手 STEAG / MATTSON / AST 2800 #9205415 待售
ID: 9205415
晶圓大小: 8"
RTP System, 8"
Dual load lock single chamber RTP
General configuration:
30L N2 High:
50psi / 2Bar / Tool, dynamic (Full N2 flow)
60psi / 2.8Bar / Tool, static (No N2 flow)
10L O2 High:
40psi / 2Bar / Tool, dynamic (Full O2 flow)
42psi / 2.5Bar / Tool, static (No O2 flow)
O2 Low:
40psi / 2Bar / Tool, dynamic (Full O2 flow)
42psi / 2.5Bar / Tool, static (No O2 flow)
10L Ar:
40psi / 2Bar / Tool, dynamic (Full Ar flow)
43psi / 2.5Bar / Tool, static (No Ar flow)
Tool: 5.5bar
Chamber high cool:
Bottom: 17/18 m³/h
Top: 26/27 m³/h
Chamber H20 cooling: 6.8LPM
TC Amplifier test
With Omega meter
O2 Sensor final testing:
3ppm O2: 30L N2 Flow in chamber in 30 second
4-5ppm O2: 5L N2 Flow in chamber in 60 seconds
Robot atation names:
A: Primary sender
I: Secondary receiver
F: Furnace
D: Cooling station 0
Cooling station 1 (No cooling station 1, used for dummy station)
C: Dummy wafer station
Pyrometer calibration:
Un-calibrated pyrometer check: Pyro 878C output at 1080TC
With emis 1300
Calibration recipe: TOMCAL.2
Calibration file: TRCAL0923
Network setup:
Network ID / Machine name: 03AST
Facility name:
Serial gemSecs used
Expansion board: COM8
AST 01 and 02 RTP:
Physical dummy wafer station: No
Cooling station: Dummy wafer station C
Gas panel: TYLAN MFC's
Equipe 307
No swivel cassette stations
Install connections: 03AST
Gasbox above rear of tool: Supplies MFCs
H2 Mix
Connections at bottom rear tool:
CDA: 1/4" Swagelok / 90- 120psi
PCWS: 1/2" Swagelok / 8slpm
PCWR: 1/2" Swagelok / 60 - 120PSI
PCWS: 1/2" Swagelok
PCWR: 1/2" Swagelok
HiFlow N2: 1/2" Swagelok / >90PSI in operation
Cooling N2: 1/4Inch Swagelok / 10 - 30 slpm
Vent1: 3/8" Swagelok / Acid exhaust
Vent2: 3/8" Swagelok / Acid exhaust
11/2" Exhaust / 11/2" / Tube acid exhaust
Middle bottom of tool:
Blower output / 4" Tube / Heat exhaust
Front tool:
House vacuum / 1/4" Swagelok / 600 mbar
Power supply: 43KVA / 208VAC / 3 Phase / 125amps / 125 Max fusable.
STEAG/MATTSON/AST 2800快速熱處理器是一種用於半導體材料厚膜高速處理的工具。它允許在高效的熱環境中對薄膜進行熱處理,提供快速的斜坡速率並消除熱梯度。處理器具有內置的空氣再循環技術,可確保表面加熱過程中的溫度均勻。處理器的溫度傳感器消除了熱梯度的影響,使其更加可靠。高達900°C和1350°C的高溫範圍使得厚膜能夠快速熱處理。它還具有低壓氧化、還原和氮化區,允許在加工過程中進一步制造和應用材料。處理器具有可變冷卻源和控制器,以及用於溫度控制的附加冷卻源。它還提供各種強制氣體冷卻系統,包括空氣和氮氣。用戶可以根據應用程序選擇冷卻量。AST 2800的另一個特點是其內置的多區域可編程軟件。這允許在不同溫度下處理不同的薄膜厚度,每個區域都有自己的控制器。用戶還可以使用預先安裝的程序來快速設置時間和協調不同溫度過程中的多種配方。處理器提供可調節的晶片盒式磁帶支架,以確保平整和均勻的處理。它還能夠啟動、拆卸和正面講課過程。自動機接口允許全面晶片傳輸和卸載。STEAG AST2800是一個有價值的工具,有利於各種行業,如化合物和有機半導體。用於電介質、金屬等材料的快速熱加工,允許新型半導體材料的制造和應用。易用性和準確性使各種行業的生產和效率得以提高。