二手 AMAT / APPLIED MATERIALS Centura 5200 DPS R1 #9099752 待售
ID: 9099752
晶圓大小: 8"
優質的: 1998
Metal etcher, 8"
Wafer type: 8" SNNF
(2) DPS R1 metal chambers
(2) ASP+ chambers
(1) Orienter
(1) Cool down
Load Locks: wide body with auto-rotation
Robot: VHP+
Platform type: Etch Centura Phase II
SMIF: not available
RF rack, GMW25
Chamber A & B: DPS R1 Metal
Single cathode
Turbo pump: Seiko Seiki STP-H1303
Upper chamber body: Y2O3 coating
Electrostatic chuck type: polymide ESC
Upper chamber o-ring: Viton
Dome and EDTCU: R1 DTCU
Endpoint type: monochromator
Bias generator: ACG 6B
Bias match: STD
Capture ring: STD polymide ESC
Source generator: STD 2500W
Slit valve o-ring: Viton
Throttle Gate Valve: TGV VAT65
Chamber C & D: APS+
Process kit: chuck
O-ring: silicon
Process control: manometer
Slit valve o-ring: Viton
Plasma tube o-ring: Kalrez
Smart match
Magnetron head
VDS assembly
Chamber E: STD cool down
Chamber F: orienter
Gas Panel: control VME 1
Controller: Centura common rack
Generator rack: 84" rack
Line frequency: 50Hz
Loadlock / Cassette:
Loadlock type: WBLL with auto-rotation
Loadlock platform: universal
Cassette type supported: KA200 85MTRHS 47C02
Loadlock cover finish: anti-static painted
Loadlock slit valve o-ring type: Viton
Wafer mapping: enhanced
Integrated cassette sensor: yes
Transfer Chamber:
Manual lid hoist: yes
Robot type: Centura VHP+
Robot blade option: roughened Al blade
Wafer on blade detector: basic
Loadlock vent: bottom
Signal Light Tower: 3-color, front panel
Top light color: red
Second light color: yellow
Third light color: green
Light tower buzzer: disabled
Mounting: stand alone
Cart: 56" tall, painted
Monochromators: (2)
Total Endpoints: (2)
System Controller:
Standard GEM interface: yes
Controller type: 84" common controller
Electrical interface: bottom feed
Exhaust: top
System Monitors:
Type: CRT
Monitor 1: stand alone
Cables: 25'
AC Rack:
GFI: 30mA
Type: 84"
Controller facility interface: remote UPS interface only
Generator Rack:
Cooling water: water manifold
Manifold facilities: 3/4" compression tube fittings
Gas Delivery Options:
Vapor Delivery System (VDS): Ultra Clean
Component selection: premium
Valve: Fujikin
Transducer: Millipore
Regulator: Veriflo
Filter: Millipore
Transducer displays: (1) display per stick
MFC type: Unit 8160
Gas Panel Pallet: A/B
Gas Line Requirement: 4/6
Gas Line Configuration:
Line 1 Gas CL2 MFC Size 200 SCCM
Line 2 Gas BCL3 MFC Size 100 SCCM
Line 5 Gas N2 MFC Size 20 SCCM
Line 7 Gas CHF3 MFC Size 20 SCCM
Line 8 Gas O2 MFC Size 500 SCCM
Line 9 Gas SF6 MFC Size 200 SCCM
Line 10 Gas AR-S MFC Size 200 SCCM
Pallet Corrosive Gas Lines: (2)
Pallet Inert Gas Lines: (5)
Filters: (7)
Gas Panel Pallet C/D:
Gas Line Requirement: 0/4
Gas Line Configuration:
Line 3 Gas O2 MFC Size 5 SLM
Line 4 Gas N2-S MFC Size 1 SLM
Line 5 Gas VDS MFC Size 750 sccm
Pallet Inert Gas Lines: (3)
Filters: (3)
Gas panel facilities hook-up: top feed, multi-line drop
Gas panel exhaust: BD chamber side top
Gas panel controller: VME
EMO switch: turn to release, ETI compliant
EMO guard ring: included
Smoke detector at controller: yes
Smoke detector at MF no skin: yes
50 Hz
1998 vintage.
AMAT/APPLIED MATERIALS Centura 5200 DPS R1是為高性能外延層沈積而設計的功能強大的多模塊生產平臺。該反應堆設計為生產低缺陷密度的優質材料,使復雜和下一代光電器件的生產成為可能。AMAT Centura 5200 DPS R1在單個平臺中集成了多模塊技術、先進的表面分析技術和多功能沈積技術。該設備由主機、機艙、加工室和負載鎖組成,以實現工藝可靠性和均勻性。包括控制系統、電源、氣體歧管、離子源、渦輪分子泵、壓力控制器和侵蝕源等模塊。大型機集成了源、腔室和關鍵組件,以實現源在晶圓上的均勻性分布。控制單元采用配方驅動的流程,具有完整的監測和控制功能。該機器還結合了先進的表面分析技術,以確保過程的準確性,同時取得成功的結果。APPLIED MATERIALS Centura 5200 DPS R1配備了先進的數據采集和過程控制軟件,以實現高效的工具操作。該軟件鏈接到資產中的多個組件,可用於監測和控制晶圓溫度、反應性氣流、壓力和反應性氣體分布等參數。該反應器的腔室在熱和機械上穩定,允許精確的過程重復性和均勻性。Centura 5200 DPS R1包括幹蝕刻和離子植入功能,可提高靈活性和更大的應用程序。包括各種沈積技術,如金屬有機化學氣相沈積(MOCVD)和原子層沈積(ALD),進一步支持了工藝的多功能性。總體而言,AMAT/APPLICED MATERIALS Centura 5200 DPS R1是一個先進的生產平臺,非常適合創建具有高性能特性和低缺陷密度的光電設備。它利用先進的表面分析技術提供了多用途的沈積能力,以實現均勻性和過程重復性。這種強大的模型使用戶能夠生產復雜復雜的設備和材料。