二手 AMAT / APPLIED MATERIALS Centura 5200 #9006826 待售
![AMAT / APPLIED MATERIALS Centura 5200 圖為 已使用的 AMAT / APPLIED MATERIALS Centura 5200 待售](https://cdn.caeonline.com/images/applied-materials_centura-5200_324677.png)
ID: 9006826
晶圓大小: 8"
優質的: 2005
DPS system, 8"
Deep Trench chambers
Wafer: SNNF (Notch)
Chamber type: DPS Poly Rev 1 (D1): Ch A, B, C
Orienter (OA): Ch F
Electrostatic chuck: Ch A, B, C
Mainframe Ch A, B, C
System Controller
Generator Rack
Ac Rack
Heat Exchange
Ceramic Dome, Monitor, Light Pen
Ep Controller Power Cables
Bias Match, Monitor, Tgv Contr.
Umbilicals, Power Cable
Umbilicals, Power Cable
Monitor, Ll Covers, Rough Lines
Panels Black
Noah Controllers
Miscellaneous Ch C
Neslab And Pump Control Cables
Rf Cable, Power Cord
Rf Cables
Miscellaneous Ch C
Miscellaneous Ch C
Chiller Noah
Neslab Hoses
He Metal Hoses
Upper Chamber, Process Kit
Centrea-01 Endpoint, Optical Fiber
Dtcu Cent-01
Facilities orientation: back connection
GEM interface present
Loadlock type:
Narrow body with tilt-out and dummy wafer storage
No heated loadlocks with N2 purge
Orienter chamber option:
Orienter lid hinge present: No
Transfer chamber:
Wafer on blade detector: basic
Robot blade:
Nickel coated aluminum
Robot type:
Endpoint monitor:
Monochromator endpoint present: CHA, CHB, CHC
Slit valve for Ch A, B, C
RGA Port for Ch A, B, C
Alcatel ACT 1300M FOR Ch A and B, Adixen ACT 1300 for ChC
Software: Legacy, rev. B5.1_25
Controller type:
66" Common controller
Controller to Mainframe Cable Length: 25ft 0150-76869 used on system
AC Rack to Mainframe Cable Length: 25ft 0620-00654 used on system
Controller to AC Rack Cable Length: 25ft 0150-01981 used on system
Pump Interface Cable Length: 50ft
RF to Mainframe Cable Length: 50ft
RF Generator present for Ch A, B, C
Gen rack type: Primary 0010-10156
Generator rack cooling water:
Direct to genrack
RF Genrack Manifold Faciliites Water Connections:
1/2" compression tube fitting
Heat exchanger / chiller type:
Steelhead 0: SMC Thermochiller model H2000 1x for Ch A and B for wall
Neslab HX 150: NESLAB HX150 for Ch A and B for Cathode
Amat 0: N/A
Noah POU 3300: Ch C only, for wall, for cathode, for dome
Amat 1: N/A
Heat exchanger fluid types:
DI/Glycol: 50/50
Other: 100% Galden ZT150
Rear frame valve connections:
SP1: Wall manifold for Ch A, B, C
SP3: Cathode manifold for Ch A, B, C
Slot 1 Serial isolator: NA
Slot 2 Leak detect/sys reset present
Slot 3 Leak detect/sys reset present
Slot 4 Empty
Slot 5 TC gauge present
Slot 6 Conv card CH ABCD present
Slot 7 Conv card A/B for LL present
Slot 8 Conv card CH C/D present
Slot 9 Center find CPU present
Slot 10 Empty
Slot 11 Empty
Slot 12 Floppy drive present
Slot 13 Hard drive present
Slot 14 Ch A interlock Poly DPS present
Slot 15 Ch B interlock poly DPS present
Slot 16 Ch C interlock poly DPS present
Slot 17 Ch D interlock ASP INT: NA
Slot 18 Ch E interlock present
Slot 19 M/F interlock present
Slot 20 LL Interlock present
Slot 21 DI/O1 Ch A present
Slot 22 DI/O2 Ch A present
Slot 23 DI/O1 Ch B present
Slot 24 DI/O2 Ch B present
Slot 25 DI/O1 Ch C present
Slot 26 DI/O2 Ch C present
Slot 27 DI/O1 Ch D: NA
Slot 28 DI/O2 Ch D: NA
Slot 29 DI/O0 Ch E: NA
Slot 30 SBC present
Slot 31 Pentium II present
Slot 32 Video present
Slot 33 I/O Expansion present
Slot 34 SEI present
Slot 35 CHBR A AIO present
Slot 36 CHBR B AIO present
Slot 37 CHBR C AIO present
Slot 38 CHBR D AIO: NA
Slot 39 Mainframe AIO1 present
Slot 40 CH E / MF AIO2 present
Slot 41 Mainframe DIO1 present
Slot 42 Mainframe DIO2 present
Slot 43 Mainframe DIO3 present
Slot 44 Mainframe DIO4 present
Slot 45 Mainframe DIO5 present
Slot 46 Mainframe DIO6 present
Slot 47 Mainframe stepper 1 present
Slot 48 Mainframe stepper 2 present
Slot 49 Mainframe stepper 3: NA
Slot 50 OMS VX2 present
Gas panel:
Vertical height: 31". 10 Gas Line positions per Pallet Horizontal Purge Manifold (CI & CII)
Valve type: Veriflo
Filter type: Millipore
Transducer display type: MKS
MFC type: AERA FC-D980C
Controller type: Standard (VME/VMEII)
Facility lines/Gas lines: Multi-line drop
Gas configuration:
Chamber A:
1 500cc C4F8
2 200cc CF4
6 500cc SF6
8 200cc O2
9 200cc N2-S
10 300cc Ar
Chamber B:
1 500cc C4F8
2 200cc CF4
6 500cc SF6
8 200cc O2
9 200cc N2-S
10 300cc Ar
Chamber C:
1 500cc C4F8
2 200cc CF4
6 500cc SF6
8 200cc O2
9 200cc N2-S
10 300cc Ar
Throttle and Gate Valve: VAT 65046-PH52-AGL1/0215
Pressure Controller: VAT PM-7E
Bias Rf Matching Network: ASTEK ATL-100RA/DT2L 500W; P/N AMAT 1110-00033
Chamber A: 409234 rev P27
Chamber B: 409234 rev P27
Chamber C: 410825 rev P27
AMAT # 1110-01063: M/N 3155086-102B
TGV assy: 3870-00508
TGV cntrl: 3930-00067
TGV kit: 0242-20395
Chamber Harness:
0140-023 is the Main Chamber Harness section
0140-35790 and 0140-35791 are the two next section at the Lower-Chamber
0140-02362 Cable
Crated and Warehoused
2005 vintage.
AMAT/APPLIED MATERIALS Centura 5200反應堆是一種高效、低成本的工具,用於在半導體基板上蝕刻和沈積薄膜。它是一種單晶片、批量運行的工具,具有完全集成的控制器,允許用戶輕松控制流程參數和監控性能。AMAT Centura 5200利用三級擴散泵,在每次批次運行中提供更高的泵送速度和降低汙染水平,從而產生更好的工藝效果。APPLIED MATERIALS CENTURA 5200有一個堅固的工藝室,允許它處理範圍廣泛的晶圓直徑和氣體,範圍從25到200 mm晶圓,最多五條氣線。反應堆配有互鎖設備,使用戶可以輕松選擇和監控所需參數。此外,該反應堆設計有一個高性能、抗輻射的石英管,帶有一個用於蝕刻和沈積過程的單面圓頂,以及一個用於熱過程的綜合爐。Centura 5200具有強大的閃光燈系統,可提供更高的功耗沈積能力。反應堆能夠以每分鐘1微米的速率沈積,而蝕刻速率可調至每分鐘1.5微米。此外,AMAT/APPLICED MATERIALS Centura 5200配備了嵌入式PCO2控制單元,可控制薄膜厚度和微長寬比。總體而言,AMAT Centura 5200反應堆是一種高效、低成本的裝置,用於在半導體基板上蝕刻和沈積薄膜。它可以處理各種晶圓尺寸和氣體,具有堅固的加工室和閃光燈機器,可實現更高功率的沈積。高性能石英管、單面圓頂、集成爐使用戶能夠輕松控制工藝參數和監控性能。