二手 AMAT / APPLIED MATERIALS Centura MxP+ #9115015 待售
![AMAT / APPLIED MATERIALS Centura MxP+ 圖為 已使用的 AMAT / APPLIED MATERIALS Centura MxP+ 待售](https://cdn.caeonline.com/images/applied-materials_centura-mxp_578113.jpg)
ID: 9115015
Poly etcher, 8"
Wafer shape: JMF flat
208 V, 400A, 60 Hz
Centura type: Centura 1
No SMIF interface
Chamber A: MXP+
Chamber B: MXP+
Chamber C: MXP+
Chamber D: Empty
Chamber E: Empty
Chamber F: Orient
Buff robot type: HP, metal blade
Narrow body loadlock
Standard Wafer sensor
Water detector alarm
Smoke detector alarm
Monitor & EDP monitor: Wall mount
AC Rack types: Phase 1 AC Rack
MF Facilities: Bottom
EMO's: Turn to release
Control rack type: Phase 1 controller
Chamber A: MXP+
Polymide ESC
1 Torr manometer
Quick release lid
Vitron slit valve o-ring
Standard bias RF match
OEM 12B RF gen bias
No Autobias
Monochrometer endpoint system
ENDP30 endpoint software
SEIKO SEIKI 301 turbo pump
Magnet driver full installed
Chamber pump not included
Simply cathode type
Butterfly throttle valve
Vat gate valve
Process kit not included
Gas 1: CF4, 100, STEC SEC-4400MC
Gas 2: CHF3, 300, STEC SEC-4400MC
Gas 3: O2, 50, STEC SEC-4400MC
Gas 4: O2, 200, STEC SEC-4400MC
Gas 5: AR, 100, STEC SEC-4400MC
Gas 6: N2, 100, STEC SEC-4400MC
Chamber B: MXP+
Polymide ESC
1 Torr manometer
Quick release lid
Vitron slit valve o-ring
Standard bias RF match
OEM 12B RF gen bias
No Autobias
Monochrometer endpoint system
ENDP30 endpoint software
SEIKO SEIKI 301 turbo pump
Magnet driver full installed
Chamber pump not included
Simply cathode type
Butterfly throttle valve
Vat gate valve
Process kit not included
Gas 1: CF4, 100, STEC SEC-4400MC
Gas 2: CHF3, 300, STEC SEC-4400MC
Gas 3: O2, 50, STEC SEC-4400MC
Gas 4: O2, 200, STEC SEC-4400MC
Gas 5: AR, 100, STEC SEC-4400MC
Gas 6: N2, 100, STEC SEC-4400MC
Chamber C: MXP+
Polymide ESC
1 Torr manometer
Quick release lid
Vitron slit valve o-ring
High efficiency bias RF match
OEM 12B RF gen bias
No Autobias
Monochrometer endpoint system
ENDP30 endpoint software
SEIKO SEIKI 301 turbo pump
Magnet driver full installed
Chamber pump not included
Simply cathode type
Butterfly throttle valve
Vat gate valve
Process kit not included
Gas 1: CF4, 100, STEC SEC-4400MC
Gas 2: CHF3, 300, STEC SEC-4400MC
Gas 3: O2, 50, STEC SEC-4400MC
Gas 4: O2, 200, STEC SEC-4400MC
Gas 5: AR, 100, STEC SEC-4400MC
Gas 6: N2, 100, STEC SEC-4400MC
Gas delivery options:
MFC maker: STEC
Transducer displays: core tool
MOTT filter
Regulator: core tool
Transducer: core tool
Valve: core tool
Gas connection: Sing line drop
Gas line feed side: AC side
Gas line feed direction: bottom
Exhaust: Top
Exhaust feed side: BD side
Heat exchanger for cathode: ETC
Heat exchanger for wall: ETC
(2) Total chiller
W/ RS-485 interface
Chiller valve connections: Manifold
Generator rack valve connection: Manifold
Valve connections: 1 each for wall and cathode per chamber (A, B, C)
Chiller hose size: 3/8 Quick.
AMAT/APPLIED MATERIALS Centura MxP+是一種先進的半導體反應器,設計用於雙金屬蝕刻和離子植入應用。它具有集成的真空設備、化學預處理系統以及先進的數字控制器和編程功能,所有這些都給用戶提供了為各種用途定制其工藝配方的靈活性。該裝置采用多區反應性氣體分配機,可均勻輸送反應性氣體,並對過程進行良好控制。此外,該工具還包括一組獨特的可移動腔室,提供了自定義進程的能力。使AMAT Centura MxP+與其他反應堆脫穎而出的主要特點是其先進的多區反應性氣體分配資產。該模型允許均勻輸送反應性氣體,從而能夠精確控制該過程。多區氣體分配設備由一組連接到多條氣體管線的高壓噴嘴促成,信號將氣體釋放到反應室中。然後可以混合氣體以獲得所需的效果,允許用戶自定義其過程以獲得最佳結果。噴嘴采用高性能材料制造,確保了較長的使用壽命。APPLIED MATERIALS Centura MxP+系統還包括一組獨特的可移動腔室,使用戶能夠自定義流程或探索新參數。此外,反應堆的數字控制器提供一流的精度和編程能力。先進的數字控制器利用傳感器和反饋點組成的陣列,在整個過程中監視和控制腔室的參數,從而產生比手動控制更詳細和準確的過程。Centura MxP+上的集成真空單元提供穩定可靠的真空壓力,以維持腔室內精確一致的反應。這個整合式機器還利用一個單獨的清除工具來消除腔室中的任何殘留氣體。此外,該資產采用了一種化學預處理模型,允許在每一批中引入新鮮的反應性氣體。AMAT/APPLIED MATERIALS Centura MxP+的設計和制造符合質量和性能的最高標準。它由優質材料如不銹鋼和鋁打造而成,確保堅固耐用。此外,這些設備的設計易於維護和維修,為用戶提供了一種簡便和經濟高效的方式,使他們的系統保持最佳狀態。AMAT Centura MxP+是一種先進的、多區、支持數字控制器的反應器,設計用於雙金屬蝕刻和離子植入應用。其集成的真空、化學預處理和氣體分配系統允許精確和統一的過程控制和定制。此外,它的可移動腔室和數字編程功能使用戶能夠根據自己的需要定制其工藝配方。由於其高質量的構造和先進的特性,APPLIED MATERIALS Centura MxP+是需要可靠精確結果的科學家和工程師的絕佳選擇。